
CollapsibleFrame Class#

class CollapsibleFrame(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

A Frame with a flat button and subfame that is toggled visible/invisible as the label is clicked.

The button causes the container to expand or contract. It is used when there is a need to consolidate and hide/show grouped widgets.

Example of a CollapsibleFrame#
from hwx import gui

# Create various widgets and arrange them in a collapsible frame container
icon = gui.IconLabel(icon=("toolbarAnimationSettingsStrip-24.png", (7, 0)),
size=(48, 48))

speedAccuracy = gui.VRadioButtons(
values=(("faster", "Faster"), ("accurate", "More Accurate"),))

layout = gui.HBoxLayout((icon, 40, speedAccuracy))

frame = gui.CollapsibleFrame(text="Speed Accuracy Settings", expanded=False,
# initial configuration of the CollapsibleFrame


Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –


Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.


Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.

classmethod resizeForAlignment(frames, val=35)#

Adjust sizes so things line up


Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the widget.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property frameShape#

Returns frame shape from the frame style. Below are the valid frame shape: - NOFRAME - BOX - PANEL - WINPANEL - HLINE - VLINE - STYLEDPANEL

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

The layout that contains this widget’s children.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property text#

Returns and sets the text of the CollapsibleFrame.

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the widget.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.

CsvFileDialog Class#

class CsvFileDialog#

A Dialog that prompts for read/write csv file names.

It remembers the last directory a csv file was read/written.

classmethod getOpenFileName(filter='Comma Separated Values (*.csv)', remember='write_csv', **kwds)#

Returns the csv filename opened.

classmethod getSaveFileName(filter='Comma Separated Values (*.csv)', remember='write_csv', **kwds)#

Returns the csv filename saved.

Dialog Class#

class Dialog(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

A top-level window mostly used for short-term tasks and brief communications with the user.

Example of a Dialog#
from hwx import gui

# This method is called when you click on 'Close'.
def onClose(event):
   gui.tellUser('Distance is %s' % distance.value)

distance = gui.DoubleEdit(9.81, units='length')
height = gui.DoubleEdit(2.91, units='length')
close = gui.Button('Close', command=onClose)

# Create a dialog box containing the above widgets
dialog = gui.Dialog(
caption="The distance",
         ("Distance", 5, distance),
         ("Height", 5, height)
      ("<->", close)

# to show the dialog as a non-modal dialog
class TitleBar_(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –

button(icon, command, **kwds)#

A method for adding buttons to the title bar of the dialog.

  • icon (str) –

  • command (callback) – Callback method to be called when the button is clicked.

  • kwds (dict) – Any properties user wants to set for the button.




Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.

executeCreateandExitButton(command, **kwds)#

Shortcut for creating green check button.


command (callback) – Callback method to be called when the button is clicked.


A check button.

Return type:


executePlayButton(command, **kwds)#

Shortcut for creating a button that has the play icon

  • command (callback) – Callback method to be called when the button is clicked.

  • kwds (dict) – Any property the user wants to set for the button.




Shortcut for creating a button that has the red x icon.


kwds (dict) – Any other properties user wants to set for the exit button.


The new exit button.

Return type:



Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.

maximizeRestoreButton(maximizeText=hwui.uiManager.Get.Application.Translate, restoreText=hwui.uiManager.Get.Application.Translate)#

Adds a maximize and a restore tool button and implements the expected behavior when these are clicked.

  • maximizeText (str) – The tooltip of maximize button.

  • restoreText (str) – The tooltip of restore button.


A list containing the maximize and minimize buttons.

Return type:


resetButton(command, **kwds)#

Shortcut for creating a button that has the reset icon.


The new reset button.

Return type:



Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the widget.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property frameShape#

Returns frame shape from the frame style. Below are the valid frame shape: - NOFRAME - BOX - PANEL - WINPANEL - HLINE - VLINE - STYLEDPANEL

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

The layout that contains this widget’s children.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the widget.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.


Close the dialog and returnValue from exec.


Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –


To be implemented in derived class.


Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.


Show as a model dialog, blocking code execution until it is closed.

This is typically used to get user input before continuing. Dialog code returns the input from exec by calling self.accept(value).


The accepted value or None if the dialog is closed in any other way.

classmethod get()#

Get singleton when dialog is implemented as a subclass

Used by associated Button/SpriteActions.


Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.

positionUnder(relativeTo, checkWasMoved=True, xoffset=0)#

Positions the dialog under or over the relataveTo widget.

  • relativeTo (Widget) – The widget to position relative to.

  • checkWasMoved (bool) – Determines whether to check if widget is moved or not.

  • xoffset (int) – The offset value for the widget for x-axis.


Syntactic sugar to close the exec dialog without accepting a value. None is returned from exec.

resize(width, height)#

Resize width/height of dialog.

This does not prevent the user from manually resizing like setting the width/height does.


Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the dialog and continues with script execution.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property caption#

The text displayed in the titlebar.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property closeOnEscape#

The behavior when the user presses the Esc key in a dialog.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

Layout for the content area of the dialog.

Children widgets get added here.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property position#

The location within the main window.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property title#

The text displayed in the titlebar.

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the dialog.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.

DockWindow Class#

class DockWindow(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

A dockable window.

It can exist in a floating state or can be attached to the main application window.

Example of a DockWindow#
from hwx import gui
window = gui.DockWindow(

class DockArea(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#
class TitleBar_(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –

button(icon, command, **kwds)#

A method for adding buttons to the title bar of the dialog.

  • icon (str) –

  • command (callback) – Callback method to be called when the button is clicked.

  • kwds (dict) – Any properties user wants to set for the button.




Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.

executeCreateandExitButton(command, **kwds)#

Shortcut for creating green check button.


command (callback) – Callback method to be called when the button is clicked.


A check button.

Return type:


executePlayButton(command, **kwds)#

Shortcut for creating a button that has the play icon

  • command (callback) – Callback method to be called when the button is clicked.

  • kwds (dict) – Any property the user wants to set for the button.




Shortcut for creating a button that has the red x icon.


kwds (dict) – Any other properties user wants to set for the exit button.


The new exit button.

Return type:



Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.

maximizeRestoreButton(maximizeText=hwui.uiManager.Get.Application.Translate, restoreText=hwui.uiManager.Get.Application.Translate)#

Adds a maximize and a restore tool button and implements the expected behavior when these are clicked.

  • maximizeText (str) – The tooltip of maximize button.

  • restoreText (str) – The tooltip of restore button.


A list containing the maximize and minimize buttons.

Return type:


resetButton(command, **kwds)#

Shortcut for creating a button that has the reset icon.


The new reset button.

Return type:



Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the widget.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property frameShape#

Returns frame shape from the frame style. Below are the valid frame shape: - NOFRAME - BOX - PANEL - WINPANEL - HLINE - VLINE - STYLEDPANEL

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

The layout that contains this widget’s children.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the widget.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.


Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –


To be implemented in derived class.


Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.

classmethod get()#

Get singleton when dialog is implemented as a subclass

Used by associated Button/SpriteActions.


Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.

positionUnder(relativeTo, checkWasMoved=True, xoffset=0)#

Positions the dialog under or over the relataveTo widget.

  • relativeTo (Widget) – The widget to position relative to.

  • checkWasMoved (bool) – Determines whether to check if widget is moved or not.

  • xoffset (int) – The offset value for the widget for x-axis.

resize(width, height)#

Resize width/height of dialog.

This does not prevent the user from manually resizing like setting the width/height does.


Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the widget.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property caption#

The text displayed in the titlebar.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property docked#

Docks/Undocks the window and returns if the window is docked.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

Layout for the content area of the dialog.

Children widgets get added here.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property position#

The location within the main window.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property title#

The text displayed in the titlebar.

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the dialog.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.

MessageDialog Class#

class MessageDialog(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

A popup message dialog.

Used to display messages to the user. It may contain upto three buttons.

Example of a MessageDialog#
from hwx import gui

def buttonClickCommand(buttonId):
   if buttonId == 0:
      gui.tellUser("Accept button clicked.")
      gui.tellUser("Reject button clicked.")

msg = gui.MessageDialog(message="This is an example for  message dialog",
                        icon="info", button1="Accept", button2="Reject",

btn = gui.PushButton("Click Me!", command=lambda:


Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –


Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.


Returns the message text.


Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.


Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Sets the specified message.


v (str) – Message text to be displayed.


Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the MessageDialog and pauses exection till one button is clicked.


The button clicked.

Return type:



(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property icon#

The type of icon to be displayed. Valid choices are:

  • “noicon”

  • “informationicon”

  • “information”

  • “info”

  • “warningicon”

  • “warning”

  • “warn”

  • “erroricon”

  • “error”

  • “criticalicon”

  • “critical”

  • “questionicon”

  • “question”

  • “?”

  • “checkicon”

  • “check”

  • “redquestionicon”

  • “redquestion”

  • “redcheckicon”

  • “redcheck”

property layout#

The layout that contains this widget’s children.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property message#

The text message to be displayed inside the dialog.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the widget.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.

Frame Class#

class Frame(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

Generic Widget container.

Base class for VFrame, HFrame and GridFrame, IconLabel, CollapsibleFrame, ComboButtonsWidgetStack and RadioButtonsWithWidgets.


Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –


Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.


Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.


Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the widget.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property frameShape#

Returns frame shape from the frame style. Below are the valid frame shape: - NOFRAME - BOX - PANEL - WINPANEL - HLINE - VLINE - STYLEDPANEL

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

The layout that contains this widget’s children.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the widget.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.

HFrame Class#

class HFrame(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

A Frame with a HBoxLayout.

HFrame groups controls horizontally so they can be sized and/or decorated as one.

Example of a HFrame#
from hwx import gui

def onVisible(event):
   label.visible = event.value

def onEnabled(event):
   label.enabled = event.value

visible = gui.CheckBox("Visible?", value=True, command=onVisible)
enabled = gui.CheckBox("Enabled?", value=True, command=onEnabled)
label = gui.Label("A Label")
frame_label = gui.HFrame(label)

horizontalframe = gui.HFrame(visible, enabled, label)


Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –


Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.


Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.


Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the widget.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property frameShape#

Returns frame shape from the frame style. Below are the valid frame shape: - NOFRAME - BOX - PANEL - WINPANEL - HLINE - VLINE - STYLEDPANEL

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

The layout that contains this widget’s children.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the widget.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.

VFrame Class#

class VFrame(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

A Frame with a VBoxLayout.

VFrame groups controls vertically so they can be sized and/or decorated as one.

Example of a VFrame#
from hwx import gui

# Create widgets and arrange them in a vertical frame container.
# "<->" symbol inside a VFrame children denotes a blank space stretch in a
# row.

verticalframe = gui.VFrame(
   (gui.Label("A Label"), gui.CheckBox("A CheckBox")),
   (gui.Label("B Label"), gui.CheckBox("B CheckBox")),
   ("<->", gui.PushButton("A PushButton"))


Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –


Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.


Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.


Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the widget.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property frameShape#

Returns frame shape from the frame style. Below are the valid frame shape: - NOFRAME - BOX - PANEL - WINPANEL - HLINE - VLINE - STYLEDPANEL

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

The layout that contains this widget’s children.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the widget.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.

GridFrame Class#

class GridFrame(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

A Frame with a GridLayout.

GridFrame groups controls in a grid layout so they can be sized and/or decorated as one.

Example of a GridFrame#
from hwx import gui

grid_frame = gui.GridFrame(
   (gui.Label("Label 1"), gui.PushButton("Click me"), gui.LineEdit(1.0)),
   (gui.Label("Label 2"), gui.PushButton("Click me"), gui.LineEdit(2.0)),
   (gui.Label("Label 3"), gui.PushButton("Click me"), gui.LineEdit(3.0)),


Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –


Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.


Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.


Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the widget.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property frameShape#

Returns frame shape from the frame style. Below are the valid frame shape: - NOFRAME - BOX - PANEL - WINPANEL - HLINE - VLINE - STYLEDPANEL

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

The layout that contains this widget’s children.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the widget.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.

TabWidget Class#

class TabWidget(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

NoteBook with tabs.

A NoteBook presents multiple mutually exclusive panes of content in the same area. It includes a tabbed control area with ‘text’ and a content area.

Example of a TabWidget#
from hwx import gui

# This method is called whenever a new Tab is selected.
def tabChanged(event):
   # Get the label for the current tab
   notebook = event.widget
   label = notebook.TabLabel(notebook.current)

# Create NoteBook widget and populate it with some Tabs
notebook = gui.NoteBook(flat=False, command=tabChanged, )

notebook.addTab(gui.LineEdit("First"), text="First")
notebook.addTab(gui.LineEdit("Second"), text="Second")
notebook.addTab(gui.LineEdit("Third"), text="Third")


Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –

addTab(child, text='', icon=None)#

Inserts a new tab with the specified child.

  • child (Widget) – The widget to be added to the tab.

  • text (str) – The text to be displayed on the tab.

  • icon (str) – The icon to be shown in the tab.


Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.


Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.

insertTab(child, text='', icon=None, index=-1)#

Inserts a new tab with the specified child.

  • child (Widget) – The widget to be added to the tab.

  • text (str) – The text to be displayed on the tab.

  • icon (str) – The icon to be shown in the tab.

  • index (int) – The index where to insert the tab.


Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the widget.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

The method called when a the tab changes.

property current#

The current tab.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property flat#

Gives the TabWidget a borderless appearance.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

The layout that contains this widget’s children.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the widget.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.

WidgetStack Class#

class WidgetStack(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)#

A WidgetStack is used to display one widget at a time, generally depending on conditions or actions of other widgets.

Example of a WidgetStack#
from hwx import gui

# Create line edits and displays them based on the value of a radio box
def onClick(event):
   field = line_edit1 if event.value == "First" else line_edit2
   widgetStack.visibleWidget = field

# A radio button acts as the action and determines which LineEdit widget
# is in the forefront and which goes in the background.
radio_button = gui.HRadioButtons('First Second', command=onClick)

line_edit1 = gui.LineEdit("First")
line_edit2 = gui.LineEdit("Second")

# Create a widgetStack and add the two line_edits as widgets
widgetStack = gui.WidgetStack(widgets=(line_edit1, line_edit2))

frame = gui.VFrame(radio_button, widgetStack)

# Run the demo

Add child widgets/layouts into this widget.

Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout.

Typically, you’ll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly.


children (list[Widget] | Layout) –


Removes all the widgets


Deletes this and all its children.


Sets the state of Global Actions.

Disable the global actions to get key events.


enable (bool) – Determines whether to enable or disable global actions.


Returns the mouse position.


Returns the mouse position relative to this widget.


Hides the widget.


Saves the widget as a .png file.


fname (str) – The file name for the .png


True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise.

Return type:



Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.


Internal method called from constructors.


Shows the widget.


(hwx.common.Units) Unit manager used to format floats with units

property active#

Returns True if it is visible and enabled, False otherwise. (readonly property)

property advancedTooltip#

The advanced tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property children#

All widgets immediately contained by this one.

property command#

Method called when the widget is activated or changed.

property descendents#

All the widgets ultimately contained by this one.

property enabled#

The availability of the widget.

Disabled widgets are greyed out and don’t respond to input events.

property font#

The font used in this widget (set with font or dict).

property height#

Fixed height of the widget.

property helpTopic#

Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this.


helptopic (str) – Topic name user needs help in.

property layout#

The layout that contains this widget’s children.

property maximumHeight#

The maximum allowable height inside the Layout.

property maximumWidth#

The maximum allowable width inside the Layout.

property minimumHeight#

The smallest allowable height inside the Layout.

property minimumWidth#

The smallest allowable width inside the Layout.

property name#

The unique identifier within a container.

property parent#

The container that owns this widget.

property size#

The fixed size of the widget (width, height).

property tooltip#

The tooltip that appears while hovering mouse over widget.

property value#

The value of the widget.

property visible#

The visibility of the widget.

property visibleWidget#

The visibility of the widget in WidgetStack.

property widgets#

The list of stacked widgets.

property width#

The fixed width of the widget.

If a string or list of strings are specified, the width will be calculated from the longest string given the font.