Example 01 - “Pre Process SETGET” process#
XML file defining the process “Pre Process SETGET” and its individual tasks#
2 <process label="Pre Process SETGET"
3 tag="preprocess"
4 title="TM Example 1"
5 saveonclose="False"
6 helpdocument="tmexample1HELP.pdf"
7 eeposition="undocked"
8 processloadprecommand="task_tmexample1_setget.preload(%S, %P)"
9 processloadpostcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.postload(%S, %P)"
10 sessionsavepostcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.postsave(%S, %P)"
11 sessionsaveprecommand="task_tmexample1_setget.presave(%S, %P)">
12 <task label="Config"
13 tag="config"
14 command="task_tmexample1_setget.applyConfig()"
15 applybuttonstate="Enabled">
16 <category tag="cat_process" label="Process">
17 <property label="Working directory"
18 tag="workingdir"
19 displaytype="choosedir"
20 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getWorkDirectory()"
21 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setWorkDirectory(%V)" />
22 <property label="Description"
23 tag="description"
24 displaytype="string"
25 help="Max number of characters: 25"
26 validatecommand="task_tmexample1_setget.validateDescription(%V)"
27 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(description, %V)"
28 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(description)" />
29 </category>
30 <category tag="config_hm" label="HM file">
31 <property label="Select file"
32 tag="btn_selectfiles"
33 help="custom image"
34 displaytype="actionbutton"
35 image="toolbarFileOpenStrip-16.png"
36 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.selectHMFiles()"/>
37 <property label="HM file"
38 tag="config_hmfile"
39 enabled="True"
40 displaytype="fileopen"
41 getvaluelistcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getHMFileTypes()"
42 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(hmfile, %V)"
43 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(hmfile)"
44 help="Select an hm file"/>
45 </category>
46 <category tag="cat_config_trans" label="Translate">
47 <property label="Direction"
48 tag="config_transdir"
49 displaytype="combobox"
50 value="x"
51 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(transdir)"
52 getvaluelistcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValueList(transdir)"
53 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(transdir, %V)"/>
54 <property label="Distance (integer)"
55 tag="config_transdist"
56 displaytype="integer"
57 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(transdist)"
58 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(transdist, %V)"/>
59 </category>
60 <category tag="config_cat_mesh" label="Mesh">
61 <property label="Mesh size"
62 tag="config_meshsize"
63 displaytype="real"
64 value="0.6"
65 validatecommand="task_tmexample1_setget.validateMeshSize(%V)"
66 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(meshsize, %V)"
67 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(meshsize)" />
68 </category>
69 <category tag="config_export" label="Export">
70 <property label="File path"
71 tag="config_optistructfile"
72 displaytype="filesave"
73 getvaluelistcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getOptistructFileTypes()"
74 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(optistructfile, %V)"
75 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(optistructfile)" />
76 </category>
77 </task>
78 <category tag="cat_tasks" label="Task" expand="True">
79 <task label="Open HM file"
80 tag="import_hm"
81 command="task_tmexample1_setget.importHM()"
82 help="select hm file and open"
83 precommand="task_tmexample1_setget.preEnter()"
84 postcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.postRunTask(%T)"
85 >
86 <category tag="task_cat_hm" label="HM file">
87 <property label="Select file"
88 tag="btn_hm_selectfiles"
89 displaytype="actionbutton"
90 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.selectHMFiles()"/>
91 <property label="HM file"
92 tag="task_hmfile"
93 enabled="True"
94 displaytype="fileopen"
95 getvaluelistcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getHMFileTypes()"
96 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(hmfile_1, %V)"
97 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(hmfile_1)"
98 help="Select an HM file"/>
99 </category>
100 </task>
101 <task label="Renumber Components"
102 tag="renumber"
103 help="Renumber all component from 1"
104 enabled="True"
105 command="task_tmexample1_setget.renumberComps()"
106 postcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.postRunTask(%T)"/>
107 <task label="Translate"
108 tag="translate"
109 enabled="True"
110 command="task_tmexample1_setget.translate()"
111 postcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.postRunTask(%T)">
112 <property label="Direction"
113 tag="transdir"
114 displaytype="combobox"
115 value="x"
116 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(transdir)"
117 getvaluelistcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValueList(transdir)"
118 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(transdir, %V)"/>
119 <property label="Distance (integer)"
120 tag="transdist"
121 displaytype="integer"
122 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(transdist)"
123 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(transdist, %V)"/>
124 </task>
125 <task label="Create mesh"
126 tag="mesh"
127 command="task_tmexample1_setget.mesh()"
128 help="Mesh selected surface or component"
129 enabled="True"
130 postcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.postRunTask(%T)">
131 <category tag="cat_mesh" label="Mesh">
132 <property label="NumSelectedSurfs"
133 tag="numselcompmesh"
134 displaytype="info"
135 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(numselcompmesh)" />
136 <property label="Select surfaces"
137 tag="selcompmesh"
138 displaytype="hm_multiselector"
139 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(selcompmesh)"
140 getvaluelistcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValueList(selcompmesh)"
141 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setSurfsOrCompsToMesh(%V)"/>
142 <property label="Mesh size"
143 tag="task_meshsize"
144 displaytype="real"
145 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(meshsize)"
146 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(meshsize, %V)"/>
147 </category>
148 </task>
149 <task label="Export"
150 tag="export"
151 command="task_tmexample1_setget.export()"
152 enabled="True"
153 postcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.postRunTask(%T)"
154 >
155 <property label="File path"
156 tag="task_optistruct"
157 displaytype="filesave"
158 getvaluelistcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getOptistructFileTypes()"
159 setcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.setValue(optistructfile, %V)"
160 getcommand="task_tmexample1_setget.getValue(optistructfile)"/>
161 </task>
162 </category>
163 </process>
Python code saved as task_tmexample1_setget.py providing the business logic for the “Pre Process SETGET” process#
1# task_tmexample1
3This file is imported when loading the process.
4It loads all the functions used by the task manager process in the xml file.
7import os
8import sys
9import hwinterp
10from hwx import gui
11import hm
12import hm.entities as ent
13import hw.taskmanager as task_manager
15# Import the rest of the modules for this test case
16sourcepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))
17if sourcepath not in sys.path:
18 sys.path.append(sourcepath)
19import Task_Manager_Example1.tools.actions as actions
21# Since I donw't know all I need in python yet some commands might run in tcl
22tcl = hwinterp.hwInterp_Get("tcl")
24tm = task_manager.getTaskManager()
26# These may be set to another number when loading the process, if the process xml file
27# both has a setcommand and a value
28workingDir = os.getcwd()
29propertyValues = {
30 # meshsize should be set to 0.6 on load xml file from xml file
31 "meshsize": 0.9,
32 "hmfile": "",
33 "optistructfile": "",
34 "selcompmesh": "Surface",
35 "transdist": 50,
36 "transdir": "y",
37 "description": "Project description",
38 "numselcompmesh": 0,
40propertyValueLists = {"selcompmesh": "Surface, Component", "transdir": "x, y, z"}
43def printcustom(*args):
44 """
45 Prints arguments in Python Interface (e.g. different tasks or task property values)
46 """
47 print("From tmexample1_setget:", *args)
50def preload(s, p):
51 """
52 Print banner (xml path) in Preload phase of process item (see processloadprecommand
53 attribute in pre_process_setget.xml)
54 """
55 printcustom("RUN preload ***")
56 printcustom(f"{s=}")
57 printcustom(f"{p=}")
58 return 1
61def postload(s, p):
62 """
63 Print banner (xml path) in Postload phase of process item (see processloadpostcommand
64 attribute in pre_process_setget.xml)
65 """
66 printcustom("RUN postload ***")
67 printcustom(f"{s=}")
68 printcustom(f"{p=}")
69 if not os.path.isfile(s):
70 workdir = os.getcwd()
71 else:
72 workdir = os.path.dirname(s)
73 setWorkDirectory(workdir)
74 return 1
77def presave(s, p):
78 """
79 Print banner (xml path) in Presave phase of process item where the Process is saved in
80 an xml file (see sessionsaveprecommand attribute in pre_process_setget.xml)
81 """
82 printcustom("RUN PRESAVE")
83 printcustom(f"{s=}")
84 printcustom(f"{s} is file:", os.path.isfile(s))
85 printcustom(f"{p=}")
86 printcustom("***")
89def postsave(s, p):
90 """
91 Print banner (xml path) in Presave phase of process item where the Process is saved in
92 an xml file (see sessionsavepostcommand attribute in pre_process_setget.xml)
93 """
94 printcustom("RUN POSTSAVE")
95 printcustom(f"{s=}")
96 printcustom(f"{s} is file:", os.path.isfile(s))
97 printcustom(f"{p=}")
98 printcustom("***")
101def validateDescription(value):
102 """
103 Function that is activated via validatecommand and checks the length of string in
104 Description property of property with tag = "description"
105 """
106 if len(value) > 25:
107 return False
108 return True
111def validateMeshSize(value):
112 """
113 Function that is activated via validatecommand and checks the sign of mesh size
114 in Mesh size property of property with tag = "config_mesh"
115 """
116 if float(value) < 0:
117 return False
118 return True
121def getValue(tag):
122 """
123 Function that prints the value that has passed from the task manager GUI in code
124 using the getcommand attribute
125 """
126 printcustom("getValue", tag, propertyValues.get(tag, ""))
127 return propertyValues.get(tag, "")
130def getValueList(tag):
132 return propertyValueLists.get(tag, "")
135def setValue(tag, value):
136 """
137 Function that prints the value that we want to pass from the task manager GUI
138 in code using the setcommand attribute
139 """
140 printcustom("setValue", tag, value)
141 propertyValues[tag] = value
144def getWorkDirectory():
145 return workingDir
148def setWorkDirectory(workdir):
149 global workingDir
150 workingDir = workdir
151 return 1
154def preEnter():
155 """
156 Function that is activated via precommand attribute in some task items
157 """
158 printcustom("RUNNING PRECOMMAND")
161def postRunTask(tag):
162 """
163 Function that is activated via postcommand attribute in some task items.
164 It prints the tag for the current and next task after task's command is executed
165 """
166 printcustom("RUNNING POSTCOMMAND")
167 printcustom(tag)
168 tagList = ("import_hm", "renumber", "translate", "mesh", "export")
169 index = tagList.index(tag) + 1
170 if index >= len(tagList):
171 return
172 nextTag = tagList[index]
173 printcustom(nextTag)
174 task = tm.getTask(nextTag)
175 task.enabled = True
176 return 1
179def getOptistructFileTypes():
180 return "OptiStruct (*.fem *.param);;All Files (*)"
183def getHMFileTypes():
184 return "HyperMesh files (*.hm);;All Files (*)"
187def getXMLFileTypes():
188 return "xml files (*.xml);;All Files (*)"
191def applyConfig():
192 # don't do anything
193 return 1
196def setSurfsOrCompsToMesh(surforcompCol):
197 """
198 Command that is executed via setcommand attribute. We set in hm_multiselctor
199 whether we want to select Surfaces or Components.
200 """
201 surfCol = surforcompCol
202 if surforcompCol.eclass is ent.Component:
203 s = hm.Session()
204 m = hm.Model(s.get_all_models()[0])
205 rule = hm.FilterByCollection(ent.Surface, ent.Component, [""])
206 surfCol = hm.Collection(m, rule, surforcompCol)
207 setValue("numselcompmesh", len(surforcompCol))
208 # updating business logic
209 tm.getTask().setPropertyValue("numselcompmesh", len(surfCol))
210 # set value to the GUI
211 actions.setSurfColToMesh(surfCol)
212 return 1
215def selectHMFiles():
216 """
217 Command that is executed via setcommand attribute. It is been executed in
218 two tasks and with this we select the path of hm file.
219 """
221 hmFile = gui.getOpenFileName(caption="Select hmetry files", filter=getHMFileTypes())
222 if not hmFile:
223 return 0
224 configTask = tm.getTask("config")
225 importTask = tm.getTask("import_hm")
226 configTask.setPropertyValue("config_hmfile", hmFile)
227 configTask.setPropertyEnabled("config_hmfile", True)
228 importTask.setPropertyValue("task_hmfile", hmFile)
229 importTask.setPropertyEnabled("task_hmfile", True)
230 setValue("hmfile_1", hmFile)
232 return 1
235def importHM():
236 """
237 Command that is executed via command attribute. The command is used in task
238 with tag="import_hm". This command imports an hm file by selecting its path
239 interactively via a GUI tool.
240 """
241 task = tm.getTask("import_hm")
242 hmFile = task.getPropertyValue("task_hmfile")
243 printcustom(hmFile)
244 ret = actions.importOneHmFile(hmFile)
246 printcustom("Import", f"{ret=}")
247 return ret
250def translate():
251 """
252 Command that is executed via command attribute. The command is used in task
253 with tag="translate". In this command we set in the GUI the values for direction
254 and distance that will be taken by action and will be updated in task manager
255 GUI via setcommand and getcommand attributes of task's properties.
256 """
257 direction = tm.getTask().getPropertyValue("transdir")
258 dist = tm.getTask().getPropertyValue("transdist")
259 actions.translateAll(direction, float(dist))
260 return 1
263def renumberComps():
264 """
265 Command that is executed via command attribute. The command is used in task
266 with tag="renumber". This command renumbers the ID of component UP to 77
267 and the ID of component DOWN to 88.
268 """
269 actions.renumberComps()
270 return 1
273def mesh():
274 """
275 Command that is executed via command attribute. The command is used in task
276 with tag="mesh". It creates the mesh in the surfaces by reading first in the
277 GUI the value of property with tag="task_meshsize".
278 """
279 task = tm.getTask()
280 meshSize = task.getPropertyValue("task_meshsize")
281 retval = actions.mesh(meshSize)
282 printcustom("mesh retval", retval)
283 return retval
286def export():
287 """
288 Command that is executed via command attribute. The command is used in task
289 with tag="export". It exports the mesh properties from previous tasks
290 (element and node coordinates) in a OptiStruct format. The file path is set
291 interactively in task property with tag="task_optistruct" and proper
292 setcommand, getcommand attributes.
293 """
294 task = tm.getTask()
295 filepath = task.getPropertyValue("task_optistruct")
296 if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(filepath)):
297 gui.warnUser("Please select valid file")
298 return 0
300 return actions.exportfile(filepath)

Figure 1. “Pre Process SETGET” process loaded in Task Manager