DOE Example#
This should give you a good starting point for using the functionalities provided by the doe package.
Define, and execute a design of experiment.#
# Import the necessary modules
from msolve import *
from msolve.doe import *
# Create your model
model = Model(output= "doe_example",
name = "model")
ground = Part(ground=True)
global_frame = Marker(label="global_frame", part=ground)
Units(force="NEWTON", mass="KILOGRAM", length="MILLIMETER", time="SECOND")
Accgrav(igrav=0, jgrav=0, kgrav=-9810)
part1 = Part(id=2, cm=Marker(qp=[0,0,-5]), ip=[1e3, 1e3, 1e3], name="part_1")
sphere = Sphere (, radius=200)
spdp = SpringDamper(type='TRANSLATION',
# DOEs require a simulation event to be defined that describes what type of
# simulation you want to execute.
event = SimulationEvent(type='TRANSIENT', end=1.0, dtout=0.01, store=True, returnResults=True)
# Define design variable(s) that will be modified during the Design Of Experiment
dv1 = Dv(name = 'part_mass',
b = 4,
blimit = (1, 15),
part1.mass = dv1
dv2 = Dv(name = 'spring_stiffness',
b = 10,
blimit = (1,30),
spdp.k = dv2
# Define response(s) that will be calculated during the Design Of Experiment
resp1 = MaxVal(function = f"DM({})",
name = "max_elongation",
# Define the experiement
experiment = DesignExperiment(model = model,
design_type = 'lhs',
parameters = [dv1, dv2],
responses = [resp1],
samples = 5,
# Run the DOE. MotionSolve will simulate all SimulationEvent(s) n-times, where
# n = total number of experiements'ST')
# Plot the maximum elongation of the spring
experiment.plot(x="part_mass", y="spring_stiffness", z="max_elongation")