Orient Bar2 Elements

Use the Stiffener Mesh: Orient tool to define bar2 orientation vectors or orientation nodes.

There are two kinds of orientation vectors: Global and Basic. Global is used for displacement systems (or analysis). Basic is the HyperMesh global system (where system ID = 0).

You can define orientation by picking a third node or providing a vector. If choosing By Vector, you will have multiple options to set the orientation.
Figure 1.

  1. From the Marine ribbon, click the Stiffener Mesh > Orient tool.
    Figure 2.

  2. Select elements to orient.
  3. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define orientation options.
  4. To orient using a node:
    1. Uncheck the By Vector checkbox.
    2. Select a node.
  5. To orient using a vector:
    1. Activate the By Vector checkbox.
    2. Use the options in the microdialog to orient.
    Orient Beam/Bar as Plate Stiffener Click to align the beam/bar axis along the positive normal of an adjacent shell.

    Normals of adjacent shells are averaged since they do not have an angle greater than the threshold value (break angle) defined in the options. For sharp angles, the shell with the lowest ID is used as a reference. In the case of T-junctions, you can select a reference shell by hiding undesired shells and by setting the "Normal from shells" option to Displayed.

    Rotate Elements Along the X-Axis - orient 90 degrees clockwise

    - orient 90 degrees counterclockwise

    - dynamically rotate using a manipualtor

    Vector Tool and Systems Provide an arbitrary orientation vector in space using the Vector tool.
    1. Click .
    2. Orient the vector then press Esc to return to the current tool.
    3. To select in which system the orientation vector component is resolved, click in the Orient microdialog.
      • System - Select a pre-defined system using an entity selector.
      • Basic System - Place all X, Y, and Z components in the output system of beam node A.
Tip: Use the legend in the top-left of the modeling window to plot the axes of the elemental systems that result from the current orientation.