List Inputs and Outputs of a Node for Navigation

The CLI program vsx - Vov Show Inputs & Outputs

The command line program vsx lists the input and output files for a given node. This is useful for finding the path through the dependency graph, to support navigation along that path from the command line.

The name of this program was created because the graph depiction of a job having two inputs and two outputs looks like an X.

Figure 1.


Show the inputs and outputs of nodes in the trace.

vsx: Usage Message
     Show the inputs and outputs of nodes in the trace.
     % vsx [options] node_spec ...
     -v                   -- Increase verbosity.
     -h                   -- Show this message.
     -O <format>          -- Specify output format.
     -inputs              -- Inputs only.
     -i                   -- Inputs only.
     -outputs             -- Outputs only.
     -o                   -- Outputs only.
     node_spec     can be a VovId, a file name, or a bang (!).
                   The bang means the most recent job in the
                   current working directory.
     The default output format is:
       "@ID@ @STATUS:10@ @ORIGIN@ @DB:8@ @NAMEORCOMMAND:45@"
     % vsx  aa
     % vsx  foo bar
     % vsx -O "@ID@ @LEVEL@" 00123456 
     % vsx  ! 


% vsx bb.txt
00000364 VALID      fc----- vw cp aa.txt bb.txt 
         >>>> Node 00000012  VALID  ${TOP}/bb.txt
00000392 VALID      fc----- vw cp bb.txt cc.txt 

The argument "!" is interpreted as the most recent job in the current directory.

% vsx !
00000012 VALID      fc----- ${TOP}/bb.txt
00000010 VALID      ----w-- ${VOVDIR}/tcl/vtcl/capsules/vov_cp.tcl
  >>>> Node 00000392  VALID  vw cp bb.txt cc.txt
00000015 VALID      fc----- ${TOP}/cc.txt