Change the Project Name, Server Host, or User

Change the Project Name

To change the project name, change the variable VOV_PROJECT_NAME in the setup.tcl file.

The following example uses a C-shell:
% cd `vovserverdir`
% vovproject stop oldname
% mv oldname.swd newname.swd
% vi newname.swd/setup.tcl            # Change VOV_PROJECT_NAME
% vcs newname.swd/setup.tcl.
% vovproject start

Change the Server Host

To change the host of a project, the vovserver must be stopped and the host references fixed in the following files:
  • The setup.tcl file in the server working directory
  • The registry entry (normally located in $VOVDIR/local/registry/user/)
  • For Accelerator only, the queue-specific configuration file in the NC_CONFIG_DIR directory (usually $VOVDIR/local/vncConfig)
  1. Change to the server working directory.
    1. If the server is still running:
      % cd `vovserverdir`
    2. If the server is not running, find the directory:
      % vovproject list -l | grep projectName
  2. If necessary, shut down the server as shown below.
    % vovproject stop projectName
  3. In the server working directory, edit the setup.tcl file and change the value on the line that sets the environment variable VOV_HOST_NAME.
  4. Log onto the new host.
  5. Restart the project on the new host:
    % vovproject start projectName
  6. Clean up the registry. In the directory $VOVDIR/local/registry/user/, locate the file projectName@oldHostName which can be safely removed. There is another registry entry projectName@newHostName which can be kept.
For more information about the registry, refer to VOV Registry.

Rehost a Project

To rehost a project, start the project on a different host and pass the -rehost option.
For example:
% vovproject start -rehost

Block a Project from Returning to Shell

The option -block is used to prevent the project startup from returning to the shell. This is useful when the project is being started as a batch job in a scheduler environment. The -block option can be used when starting or creating a vovproject.

% vovproject start -block
% vovproject create -block

Change Ownership of VOV Projects

It can be necessary or useful to change the owner of a VOV project. For example, a project that was started under an individual's account, but will be shared and should be owned by a role account instead.

VOV records the initial creator of a project as the owner of the project in the project's regentry file. This enables the vovproject list command to show a user the projects that the user has created.

There are several ways change the ownership of a project. Regardless of the method used, it is essential to first stop the project's vovserver before making any changes. The vovserver periodically updates the status of a project and re-writes the regentry file; any changes made while the project is running may be overwritten by the vovserver.

The following are two examples for changing project ownership.

Change Ownership, Method 1

  1. Run vovproject stop, and then run vovproject destroy.
    This will remove the project's .swd and registry entry.
  2. Log in as the desired user.
  3. Recreate the project's .swe and registry entry
    This destroys all record of the existence of the project, including the state of the jobs and files in the project's flow, which may be undesirable.

Change Ownership, Method 2

In this example, you'll stop the project, change the OS ownership of its files, and manually change the project metadata recorded by VOV in the regentry file. Follow the steps to do so:

  1. Locate the project's configuration (.swd) directory with the command vovproject list -all -l.
    The .swd directory is in the directory shown in last column.
  2. Change they ownership using OS commands, such as chown -R on UNIX or Linux.
  3. Edit the security.tcl file in the .swd to add the new owner as admin.
  4. Save the file so that it is owned by the new owner, and is not readable by anyone else.
  5. Locate the regentry file in the registry, being careful to get the one for the right VOV version if you are not in a local directory that is shared among versions.
  6. Open the regentry file and locate the line that looks like:
    set owner       "previous-owner" 
  7. Change the name between the quotes to the desired login account write and quit.
  8. Use vovproject list -all to verify it shows the desired owner for the project.
  9. Get a shell as the desired owner on the project's vovserver host, and start the project using vovproject start project-name
  10. Carefully review the result for messages about ownership.