This manual is aimed at the person who will be the administrator for FlowTracer. This person will be responsible for configuring the network resources, setting up the licensing, and establishing
security and access rules for the system.
When using FlowTracer in large deployments, three main roles emerge: Administrator, Developer and User. In smaller organizations, a given
person may have multiple roles, but the duties of each role still exist.
To ensure the correct and repeatable behavior of the tools, the environment must be controlled. This chapter explains
how VOV supports multiple reusable environments.
The patented technique of Runtime Change Propagation Control (RCPC) provides the ability to stop the propagation of insignificant changes through the flow.
FlowTracer captures your design in design flows described by Flow.tcl files. The Flow Library is meant to help users locate
and deploy instances of packaged flows bound to their specific design data.
The files used in a project reside in one or more directories spread all around your filesystems. Each logical name
defined in the equiv.tcl file implicitly declares the root of a workspace. You can browse the workspaces using the browser interface.
Sometime, a job needs to run on the same host as another job. This condition can be expressed with the special resource
The Resource Map Set represents the collection of resource maps that have been assigned to a project and the constraints
associated with such resources.
Hardware Resources
All taskers offer a predefined set of hardware resources that can be requested by jobs.
Sometime, a job needs to run on the same host as another job. This condition can be expressed with the special resource "HOST=HOST_OF_<jobid>" and " HOST=HOST_OF_ANTECEDENT".