Monitor Taskers
To monitor the activity of the taskers, use either vsm from the CLI, or click from the GUI.
% vovtaskermgr show
1 04204992 bellevue 0.00 90909 0/1 READY Unlim.
2 04205717 mars 0.00 39239 0/1 READY Unlim.
3 04205719 saturn 0.05 10633 0/1 READY Unlim.
4 04205720 moon 0.02 15003 0/1 READY Unlim.
5 04205721 cayman 0.00 83333 0/1 READY Unlim.
6 04205722 comet 0.07 58595 0/1 READY Unlim.
7 04205725 cheetah 0.05 224089 0/1 READY Unlim.
8 04205726 jupiter 0.03 13404 0/2 READY Unlim.
From the browser interface, go to the Tasker page. For a large number of taskers, such as hundreds or more, you may find the Tasker page more compact and convenient.
Run vovtasker monitor with CLI vsm
The command vsm is used to run the Tasker Monitor in its own window. This can also be called from the VovConsole or from any command line that has the right environment and is enabled for the project.
Monitor activity in VOV.
vsm: Usage Message
Monitor activity in VOV.
vsm [options]
-h Show this help
-panel <panel> Select initial panel (default 'running'),
where panel is one of: running, resmaps, buckets,
jobq, fairshare.
-fontsize <size> Specify the font size. Default is 10.
Legal range is 3 to 36.
-t -r -q Backwards compatibility
The starting panel can be configured in gui.tcl by means of
the variable vovmonconfig(start,panel). Example:
# Fragment of $VOVDIR/local/gui.tcl
set vovmonconfig(start,panel) "jobq"
% vsm &
% vsm -panel buckets &
% vsm -panel taskers &