Detailed Widget Listing

The following section describes the available widgets and provides example URLs and descriptions of the options for each widget:

Current Checkouts

Widget Name
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
reportby taggedfeature tag, feature, taggedfeature, user, host, account Report by what.
tag any tag name Show report on this tag only.
feature any feature name Show report on this feature only.
user any user name Show report on this user only.
host any host name Show report on this host only.
account any account name Show report on this account only.
version any version number Show report on this version only.
filter_tag any tag name pattern Filter on tag name. Only show the checkouts with tags matching the pattern.
filter_feature any feature name pattern Filter on feature name. Only show the checkouts with name matching the pattern.
filter_user any user name pattern Filter on user name. Only show the checkouts with tags matching the pattern.
filter_host any host name pattern Filter on host name. Only show the checkouts with tags matching the pattern.
filter_account any account name pattern Filter on account name. Only show the checkouts with tags matching the pattern.
filter_version any version pattern Filter on version. Only show the checkouts with versions matching the pattern.
limit 30 any positive integer How many checkouts to show on the page.
ascend 0 0 or 1 Sort in ascending (ascend=1) or descending (ascend=0) order.
sortby handles tag, feature, taggedfeature, user, host, account, count Sort on which column.
nocase 0 0 or 1 Ignore case for user and host.

Checkout Statistics

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
reportby taggedfeature tag, feature, taggedfeature, user, host, account Report by what.
tag any tag name Show report on this tag only.
feature any feature name Show report on this feature only.
user any user name Show report on this user only.
host any host name Show report on this host only.
account any account name Show report on this account only.
filter_tag custom tag name string or regex Report on only those tags that match above string or regex.
filter_feature custom feature name string or regex Report on only those features that match above string or regex.
filter_user custom user name string or regex Report on only those users that match above string or regex.
filter_host custom host name string or regex Report on only those hosts that match above string or regex.
filter_account custom account name string or regex Report on only those accounts (projects) that match above string or regex.
filter_version custom version name string or regex Report on only those verions that match above string or regex.
limit 100 integer number Max number of records to show.
sortby handles tag, feature, taggedfeature, user, host, account, count, dur_tot, dur_avg, dur_max, wait_count, wait_tot, wait_avg, wait_max Sort on which column.
ascend 0 0 or 1 Sort in ascending (ascend=1) or descending (ascend=0) order.
timerange Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last Quarter, Last Year Time period on which to to report. Ignored when start/end options are present.
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.

Checkout Details

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
sortby checkouttime duration, checkouttime, checkintime, queuedtime, tag, feature, user, host, version, handle, origin, tokens, project, reservations, location Sort checkouts by what.
reportby taggedfeature tag, feature, taggedfeature, user, host, account Report by what.
tag any tag name Show report on this tag only.
feature any feature name Show report on this feature only.
user any user name Show report on this user only.
host any host name Show report on this host only.
account any account (project) name Show report on this account only.
version any version name Show report on this version only.
filter_tag custom tag name string or regex Report on only those tags that match above string or regex.
filter_feature custom feature name string or regex Report on only those features that match above string or regex.
filter_user custom user name string or regex Report on only those users that match above string or regex.
filter_host custom host name string or regex Report on only those hosts that match above string or regex.
filter_account custom account name string or regex Report on only those accounts (projects) that match above string or regex.
filter_version custom version name string or regex Report on only those verions that match above string or regex.
limit 100 integer number Max number of rows to show.
sortby handles tag, feature, taggedfeature, user, host, account, count, dur_tot, dur_avg, dur_max, wait_count, wait_tot, wait_avg, wait_max Sort on which column.
ascend 0 0 or 1 Sort in ascending (ascend=1) or descending (ascend=0) order.
timerange Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last Quarter, Last Year Time period on which to to report. Ignored when start/end options are present.
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.

Checkout Duration Histogram

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
tag any tag name Tag name of the feature on which to report.
feature any feature name Name of the feature on which to report.
user any user name Name of the user on which to report.
host any host name Name of the host on which to report.
account any account name Name of the account(project) on which to report.
version any version number Version on which to report.
filter_tag custom tag name string or regex Report on only those tags that match above string or regex.
filter_feature custom feature name string or regex Report on only those features that match above string or regex.
filter_user custom user name string or regex Report on only those users that match above string or regex.
filter_host custom host name string or regex Report on only those hosts that match above string or regex.
filter_account custom account name string or regex Report on only those accounts (projects) that match above string or regex.
filter_version custom version name string or regex Report on only those verions that match above string or regex.
origin samples, logs, merged Origin of checkout data.

Current Feature Information

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
sortby inuse tag, vendor, feature expire total users inuse percent oldest Sort on which column.
ascend 0 0 or 1 Sort in ascending (ascend=1) or descending (ascend=0) order.
limit 30 any positive integer How many features to show on the page.
showfeature active active|all|perpetual|expiring|expired Which features to show on the page based on various states.
tag any tag name Tag name of the feature on which to report.
vendor any vendor name Name of the vendor on which to report.
feature any feature name Name of the feature on which to report.
filter_tag any tag name pattern Filter on tag name. Only show the features with tags matching the pattern.
filter_vendor any license daemon vendor name Filter on vendor name. Only show the features with vendor name matching the pattern.
filter_feature any feature name pattern Filter on feature name. Only show the features with name matching the pattern.

Feature Statistics

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
sortby inuse inuse, tag, feature Sort on which column.
ascend 0 0 or 1 Sort in ascending (ascend=1) or descending (ascend=0) order.
limit 100 any positive integer How many features to show on the page.
tag any tag name Show report on this tag only.
feature any feature name Show report on this feature only.
filter_tag any tag name pattern Filter on tag name. Only show the features with tags matching the pattern.
filter_feature any feature name pattern Filter on feature name. Only show the features with name matching the pattern.
showpeakavg 0 or 1 Show peak average feature usage.
origin samples, logs, merged Origin of checkout data.

Feature Efficiency Statistics

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
sortby inuse inuse, tag, feature Sort on which column.
ascend 0 0 or 1 Sort in ascending (ascend=1) or descending (ascend=0) order.
limit 100 any positive integer How many features to show on the page.
tag any tag name Show report on this tag only.
feature any feature name Show report on this feature only.
filter_tag any tag name pattern Filter on tag name. Only show the features with tags matching the pattern.
filter_feature any feature name pattern Filter on feature name. Only show the features with name matching the pattern.
showpeakavg 0 or 1 Show peak average feature usage.

Feature Efficiency

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
timerange Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last Quarter, Last Year Time period on which to report. Ignored when start= and end= are given. Case-insensitive, e.g. 'last week' means the same as 'Last Week' Older versions used the key showactive for this parameter. Since some possible values contain spaces, you need to URL-encode them, for example timerange=Last+Month
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
tag any tag name Show report on this tag only.
feature any feature name Show report on this feature only.
filter_tag any tag name pattern Filter on tag name. Only show the features with tags matching the pattern.
filter_feature any feature name pattern Filter on feature name. Only show the features with name matching the pattern.
showres 0 0, 1 Show reservations (0=false, 1=true)
workweek 0 0 , 1 Limit data to the work week.
origin samples, logs, merged Origin of checkout data.

Feature Statistics Plot

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
timerange Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last Quarter, Last Year Time period on which to report. Ignored when start= and end= are given. Case-insensitive, e.g. 'last week' means the same as 'Last Week' Older versions used the key showactive for this parameter. Since some possible values contain spaces, you need to URL-encode them, for example timerange=Last+Month
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
tag any tag name Show report on this tag only.
feature any feature name Show report on this feature only.
filter_tag any tag name pattern Filter on tag name. Only show the features with tags matching the pattern.
filter_feature any feature name pattern Filter on feature name. Only show the features with name matching the pattern.
plotusage 1 0 or 1 Show feature usage graphically (0=false, 1=true
plotqueuedrequests 1 0 or 1 Show queued requests graphically (0=false, 1=true
plotdenials 1 0 or 1 Show denials graphically (0=false, 1=true

Feature Details Plot

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
tag any tag name Tag name of the feature on which to report.
feature any feature name Name of the feature on which to report.
width 600 integer number The width of the graph.
height 200 integer number The height of the graph.
timerange Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last Quarter, Last Year Time period on which to report. Ignored when start= and end= are given. Case-insensitive, e.g. 'last week' means the same as 'Last Week' Older versions used the key showactive for this parameter. Since some possible values contain spaces, you need to URL-encode them, for example timerange=Last+Month
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
showres 0 0, 1 Show reservations (0=false, 1=true)
workweek 0 0 , 1 Limit data to the work week.

Denial Statistics

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
timerange Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last Quarter, Last Year Time period on which to report. Ignored when start= and end= are given. Case-insensitive, e.g. 'last week' means the same as 'Last Week' Older versions used the key showactive for this parameter. Since some possible values contain spaces, you need to URL-encode them, for example timerange=Last+Month
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
reportby taggedfeature tag, feature, taggedfeature, user, host, account Report by what.
tag any tag name Show report on this tag only.
feature any feature name Show report on this feature only.
user any user name Show report on this user only.
host any host name Show report on this host only.
filter_tag custom tag name string or regex Report on only those tags that match above string or regex.
filter_feature custom feature name string or regex Report on only those features that match above string or regex.
filter_user custom user name string or regex Report on only those users that match above string or regex.
filter_host custom host name string or regex Report on only those hosts that match above string or regex.

Denial Details

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
timerange Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last Quarter, Last Year Time period on which to report. Ignored when start= and end= are given. Case-insensitive, e.g. 'last week' means the same as 'Last Week' Older versions used the key showactive for this parameter. Since some possible values contain spaces, you need to URL-encode them, for example timerange=Last+Month
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
tag any tag name Show report on this tag only.
feature any feature name Show report on this feature only.
user any user name Show report on this user only.
host any host name Show report on this host only.
reason unknown unknown, "Licensed number of users already reached", "Feature has expired", "Users are queued for this feature" Denial reason given by debugLog.
filter_tag custom tag name string or regex Report on only those tags that match above string or regex.
filter_feature custom feature name string or regex Report on only those features that match above string or regex.
filter_user custom user name string or regex Report on only those users that match above string or regex.
filter_host custom host name string or regex Report on only those hosts that match above string or regex.
limit integer 1 or greater Display only the indicated number of records.
querylimit integer 1 or greater Return only up to the number given, from the database.
sortby handle handle, user, tag, feature, host, reason Sort report rows by the indicated column.
ascend 0 0 or 1 Sort in ascending order (ascend=1) or in descending order (ascend=0).

Denial Plot

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
timerange Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last Quarter, Last Year Time period on which to report. Ignored when start= and end= are given. Case-insensitive, e.g. 'last week' means the same as 'Last Week' Older versions used the key showactive for this parameter. Since some possible values contain spaces, you need to URL-encode them, for example timerange=Last+Month
tag any tag name Tag name of the feature on which to report.
feature any feature name Name of the feature on which to report.
user any user name Show report on this user only.
host any host name Show report on this host only.
reason unknown unknown, "Licensed number of users already reached", "Feature has expired", "Users are queued for this feature" Denial reason given by debugLog.
width 600 integer number The width of the graph.
height 200 integer number The height of the graph.
ymax   integer 0 or greater Maximum Y axis value.
workweek 0 0 , 1 Limit data to the work week.

Feature Activity Heatmap

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
tag any tag name Tag name to map.
feature any feature name Name of the feature on to map.
type checkout checkout, checkin, denials What kind of activity to report on with this heatmap.
timerange Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last Quarter, Last Year Time period on which to report. Ignored when start/end options are present.
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the reporting period.

Usage and Denial Pie Chart

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
tag any tag name Tag name of the feature to plot.
feature any feature name Name of the feature to plott.
type count count, duration, denials Get piechart on what for each user.
timerange Yesterday, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last Quarter, Last Year Time period on which to report. Ignored when start/end options are present.
start unix timestamp Start time (in unix timestamp format) of the plot period.
end unix timestamp End time (in unix timestamp format) of the plot period.

Current Server Information

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
sortby handles tag, type, vendor, licserver, status, features, handles or update Sort on which column.
ascend 0 0 or 1 Sort in ascending (ascend=1) or descending (ascend=0) order.
limit 30 any positive integer How many daemons to show on the page.
filter_tag any tag name pattern Filter on tag name. Only show the daemons with tags matching the pattern.
filter_type flexlm, lum, etc Filter on License Manager type, for example specify "flexlm" to show only FlexNet Publisher type license daemons.
filter_vendor any license daemon vendor name Filter on vendor name. Only show the daemons with vendor name matching the pattern.
filter_status status of the daemon Filter on license server status. Only show the daemons with license server status matching the pattern.

Tag Statistics

Widget Name:
Example URL

Widget URL options:

Parameter Default Possible Values Meaning
tag Any valid tag name. Display tag statistics for the period selected.
filter_tag any tag name pattern Filter on tag name. Only show the daemons with tags matching the pattern.