Accelerator Plus Quick Start

Accelerator Plus has two main commands, wx and wxmgr.

Accelerator Plus has two main commands:
  • wx is used to submit, query, and stop jobs. This command can also be invoked as vnc or as nc.
  • wxmgr is used to start and stop a queue, that is, an Accelerator Plus instance.


wx: Usage Message
  Usage: wx [-q queuename] <command> [command options]
  Queue selection:
    The default queue is called "wx".
    You can specify a different queue with the option -q <queuename>
    or by setting the environment variable NC_QUEUE.
    clean               Cleanup log files and env files.
    debug               Show how to run the same job without Accelerator Plus.
    dispatch            Force dispatch of a job to a specific tasker.
    forget              Forget old jobs from the system.
    getfield            Get a field for a job.
    gui                 Start a simple graphical interface.
    help                This help message.
    hosts               Show farm hosts (also called taskers).
    info                Get information about a job and its outputs.
    list                List the jobs in the system.
    jobclass            List the available job classes.
    kerberos            Interface to Kerberos (experimental).
    modify              Modify attributes of scheduled jobs.
    monitor             Monitor network activity.
    rerun               Rerun a job already known to the system.
    resources           Shows resource list and current statistics.
    resume              Resume a job previously suspended.
    run <job>           Run a new job (also called 'submit').
    preempt             Preempt a job.
    stop                Stop jobs.
    submit <job>        Same as 'run'.
    summary             Get a summary report for all my jobs.
    suspend             Suspend the execution of a job.
    taskerlist          Show available tasker lists.
    wait                Wait for a job to complete.
    who                 Report on who is using the system.
    why                 Analyze job status reasons.
  Unique abbreviations for commands are accepted.
  Advanced features:
    cmd <command>       Execute an arbitrary VOV command in the
                        context of the $product server.
    source <file.tcl>   Source the given Tcl file.
    -                   Accept commands from stdin.
  For more help type:
    % $::command <command> -h
  Copyright (c) 1998-2023, Altair Engineering.


This program manages the vovserver for Accelerator Plus.

wxmgr: Usage Message
          This program manages the vovserver for WorkloadXelerator.
          Copyright (c) 1998-2021, Altair Engineering.
          wxmgr help|info|reset|start|stop|cm [OPTIONS]
          info   [-queue|-q <name>] [-v]
          reset  [-soft | -hard | -h ]
          start  [-dir <server_working_dir>] [-force] [-queue|-q <name>]
                 [-port <port> ] [-webport <port>] [-roport <port>]
                 [-dbhost <host>] [-dbroot <path>] [-dbport <port>]
                 [-prod nc|wx] [-basequeue <name>]
                 The default <server_working_dir> is
                 This is the parent of the configuration (.swd) directory for
                 the queue.
          stop   [-force] [-freeze] [-queue|-q <name>] [-writeprdir <dirname>]
                 -force       Do not prompt for confirmation
                 -freeze      Instruct taskers to keep running and wait for a
                              new server
                 -writeprdir  Writes the PR file to the specified directory
                 (which is created if necessary)
          cm     [-queue|-q name] <ACTION> [ARGUMENTS]
                 Configuration Management. Pass "help" for detailed usage.
          % wxmgr
          % wxmgr -h
          % wxmgr start -queue wx2
          % wxmgr start -port 6699 -queue wx99
          % wxmgr info
          % wxmgr reset -soft
          % wxmgr reset -hard
          % wxmgr cm help
          % wxmgr stop -freeze
          % wxmgr start -force
          % wxmgr stop -freeze -force -writeprdir /tmp/abc123