Customize the wx run Command

The wx run command has built-in default features that include checking the validity of the run directory, enabling job profiling, etc. This section describes how the Accelerator Plus administrator can use the file $VOVDIR/local/vncrun.config.tcl to modify some defaults. This file does not exist by default; it must be created when needed.

Configure Defaults for the 'wx run' Command

The defaults are controlled by slots in the VOV_JOB_DESC array variable. The vncrun.config.tcl file is loaded after the defaults are set; these defaults can be overridden.

For details about VOV_JOB_DESC, refer to Define Jobclasses.


When submitting a job, the default is to check for a logical name (equivalence) for the filesystem where the run directory is located. This is controlled by the check,directory slot.

To change the default to not check the directory, add the following to the vncrun.config.tcl file:
set VOV_JOB_DESC(check,directory) 0
When submitting a job, the default is not collecting profile information, because the data can be large, unless the -profile option is used. To make collection of the profile collection the default, add the following to the config file.
set VOV_JOB_DESC(profile) 1
The example file below shows other commonly-used settings:
# Example content of vncrun.config.tcl
set VOV_JOB_DESC(check,directory) 0

# Other settings that may be useful.
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(priority,default) [VncPolicyUserPriority $username]
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(priority,sched)   $VOV_JOB_DESC(priority,default)
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(priority,exec)    $VOV_JOB_DESC(priority,default)  

# set VOV_JOB_DESC(autokill)      0
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(autoforget)    1
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(legalExit)     "0"
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(mailuser)      ""
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(wrapper)       "vw";		
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(preemptable)   1
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(profile)       0
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(schedule,date) 0
# set VOV_JOB_DESC(xdur)          -1