% lmstat -a -c 1234@host1:1235@host2
% vovsafelmstat lmstat -a -c 1234@host1:1235@host2
Advanced uses of vovflexlmd
vovflexlmd is the main interface to FlexNet Publisher.
# Two equivalent methods
add_LM_LICENSE_FILE 1234@host1:1235@host2 -lmstat "vovsafelmstat /full/path/to/lmstat" -tag "TAG1"
add_LM_LICENSE_FILE 1234@host3:1235@host4 -safe -lmstat "/full/path/to/lmstat" -tag "TAG2"
When polling license daemons on remote machines reachable through a slow link, it is much faster to run lmstat on a remote machine.
% rsh host1.company.jp env TZ=$TZ vovsafelmstat /full/path/to/lmstat -a -c 27000@host2.company.jp:27001@host3.company.jp
Note that the host we use to rsh or ssh into need not be the same as the host of the FlexNet Publisher daemons.
add_LM_LICENSE_FILE 27000@host2.company.jp:27001@host3.company.jp -tag LICJP -lmstat "rsh host1.company.jp env TZ=$env(TZ) vovsafelmstat /full/path/to/lmstat "
Excluding file .flexlmrc from the flow
The file ~/.flexlmrc is a most annoying file that is written by many tools in the home directory of the users.
# Fragment of exclude.tcl
vtk_exclude_rule -regexp {/.flexlmrc}