AcuSolve Run

To run a job with AcuSolve, follow these steps:
  1. Click the File Browser button and select the .inp file for the run.
  2. To improve performance, specify the number of CPU cores to use.

    For instance, if your machine has 8 cores, you can speed up the run by adding the option -np 8.

  3. Activate the "Use MPI Options" setting to take advantage of multiple cores.
  4. Keep the "Use solver control" option activated.

When AcuSolve is executed multiple times in the same location, result file IDs are incremented. A new option on the View menu (Disk Inspector) is designed specifically for the AcuSolve runs, which allows you to inspect the content of the run folder, and optionally inspect or delete content of specific runs by their ID.