The following image shows a cross-section of a typical hydromount:
Figure 1.
At low displacement amplitudes, fluid in the upper chamber simply deflects the
decoupler. The hydromount behaves just like a rubber bushing. As the input
displacement increases, the fluid in the upper chamber flows into the lower chamber.
With increasing displacement, fluid effects start to dominate and the behavior of
the hydromount changes dramatically.
The hydromount model therefore consists of two components: a rubber model and a fluid
model. The total response of the hydromount is the sum of the rubber and the fluid
effects. A cubic step function gradually turns on the fluid effects, so that
transition from rubber behavior to full hydromount behavior is handled correctly.
The following figure shows an equivalent mechanical model for the hydromount:
Figure 2.
The governing equations for the hydromount model are as follows:
Figure 3.
X is the input displacement provided to the bushing.
R is the cutoff frequency associated with a first order
The filter removes the steady state deformation of the bushing and passes
only the transient portion of the input, x, to the
dynamic models. The full input, X, is channeled to the
static model.
The total force generated by the bushing is the sum of three forces:
The force due to the fluid behavior,
, which is turned on
The force due to deformation in the rubber component,
The static force at the operating point, which is computed from the static
spline that is provided.
is a design parameter that defines the
deformation at which the fluid force transition begins.
is a design parameter that defines the
deformation at which the fluid force transition ends.
Quite often, the test data for a hydromount does not capture the transition from pure
rubber to full hydromount behavior. and are therefore not fitted, and are available for you
to modify in the .gbs. The default values of and are such that the STEP function always returns
For the fluid equations in the center:
z is an internal state representing fluid motion.
represents the equivalent fluid
is the coupling stiffness between
rubber and fluid.
is the coupling damping between
rubber and fluid.
is the fluid damping.
model the amplitude dependence in the fluid equations.
is the effective fluid stiffness in
the bushing.
is the effective fluid damping in
the bushing.
For the rubber equations in the center:
y and w are the internal states of the
represent the bushing stiffness.
is used to control the stiffness at
large velocities.
produces the roll-off observed in the experimental data at
low velocities.
accounts for the relaxation of the bushing impact force.
represents the viscous damping observed at large
model the amplitude dependence in the rubber equations.
K is the effective stiffness of the bushing.
C is the effective damping of the bushing.
For the static equations on the right:
Spline (X) is the static force response of the bushing.
Filter implementation, multiple preload support, and the use of RMIN are exactly the
same as for the rubber bushing.