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Altair HyperLife 2024.1 Release Notes


  • Support of Transient and Modal Superposition loading for seam weld fatigue.
  • Support for ABF file format for Modal Superposition fatigue.

New Features

Support of Transient and Modal superposition loadtypes for Seam Weld Fatigue
Transient and Modal Superposition loading type is supported for Seam Weld Fatigue with VOLVO approach. The feature supports H3D result format , PCH, MRF and ABF for Modal participation factors.
Support of ABF format for Modal Superposition
Fatigue Modal Superposition is extended to include ABF file format for modal participation factors.


Enhancements to Run Setup XML file
  • Run Setup XML file to list top and bottom layer selected for Fatigue evaluation of shells.
  • Relative Path for load history file in Run Setup File and Duty Cycle XML.
Single material name to support saving Stress Life, Strain Life and Crack Growth material properties.

Resolved Issues

  • The issue concerning assigning directory for user defined material file is resolved.
  • The issue concerning result contouring with Output All Layers selection is resolved.
  • Strain Life with Random Fatigue loading using PSD stresses not considering repeats is resolved.

Known Issues

  • Inconsistency in seam weld fatigue evaluation using multithread. The option to assign more processors in evaluate context is disabled for HyperLife 2024.1. The issue will be resolved for the future versions.
  • Import of run setup XML files for sinesweep fatigue from HyperLife 2023.1 and earlier do not retain “Output eventwise results” selection in Preferences. The issue will be resolved for the future versions.

Altair HyperLife 2024 Release Notes


  • Updates to HyperLife licensing and installation
  • Support of random fatigue analysis for spot weld

New Features

Licensing and installation
HyperLife 2024 will require installation of both HyperWorks Desktop and Solver packages. Installation of HyperLife via Solvers is a prerequisite for Stress Life, ERRI and IEC fatigue evaluation using HyperLife Weld Certification.
HyperLife 2024 introduces license feature HyperLifeSolver following solver licensing scheme for InApp and HPC based evaluation. The Altair unit draw will depend on the number of CPU cores assigned for the HyperLife job. The HyperLife Solver license feature is required for Stress Life, ERRI and IEC evaluation in HyperLife Weld Certification. HyperLife session for setting up workflows will continue to use license feature - HyperLife.
Support of random fatigue analysis for spot weld
Random response fatigue for 1D Spot welds using FRF analysis and PSD Input is supported. The feature supports H3D result format as input.
Support of node sets
Stress Life, Strain Life and FOS fatigue evaluation at node is extended to support node sets as input.
Bergmann model for mean stress correction
Strain Life uniaxial analysis supports Bergmann mean stress correction. Bergmann method is an extension to SWT introducing a parameter ‘a’ to account the mean stress sensitivity of the material.
Support for H3D result file from PERMAS for Stress Life, Strain Life and Dang van FOS with time series loading
Support of scale and offset in modal superposition fatigue event
Option to scale and offset Modal participation factor per mode at time t is supported for fatigue events created during modal superposition loading.


Fatigue evaluation of nodes is extended to mid-edge nodes in second order elements
Rainflow output (RFOUT) of random fatigue and sine sweep fatigue to report corrected stress amplitude
Rainflow file from random fatigue and sine sweep fatigue analysis will also output corrected stress amplitude along with stress amplitude, mean stress and damage for every cycle.
Run Setup XML is enhanced to list safety factor options for batch evaluation

Resolved Issues

  • The issue concerning reloading of stress life point,1-segment and 2-segment curves is MyMaterial dialog is resolved.
  • HyperLife experiencing performance issue while writing rainflow matrix file “ElementRainflow.h5” is resolved.
  • The issue concerning correction of stress life curve of XY data format with surface finish, surface treatment, fatigue strength reduction factor and temperature factor is resolved.
  • Same stress/strain history output per event from advance options is resolved.
  • The issue pertaining to evaluation of nodes using element sets as input is resolved.
  • Displaying 3D matrix for damage and rainflow from stress life and strain life evaluation using Abaqus result files is resolved.
  • Inconsistent issue concerning empty callouts and damage matrix for SPOT weld fatigue is resolved.
  • The damage matrix is not appearing for the attached customer use case.

Known Issues

The following known issues will be addressed in a future release as we continuously improve performance of the software:
  • The HyperLife Solver license feature also supports a decay factor, facilitating reduction in the total license draw if multiple HyperLife jobs are running simultaneously. For using the decay functionality, please contact Altair Support for assistance in installing this feature.
  • Elements occasionally reporting NA results when the stress gradient feature is combined with Strain Life evaluation. The issue is inconsistent and will be fixed in the upcoming release.