
Associates nodes to geometry.


*associate_nodes_to_geom <option1>=<value1> <option2>=<value2> … <optionN>=<valueN>


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Associates source nodes to target geometry using either a manual or automatic option.


The type of source entity. Valid values are nodes and elements. If elements are selected, all the nodes of the elements will be considered for association.
The ID of the mark containing elements or nodes. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Enables manual association. With automatic association, nodes will be automatically associated with the matching geometry. With manual association, user must select a single geometry and the selected nodes will be associated to that geometry. By default, manual association will override the existing association.
0 – Automatic
1 – Manual
The type of geometry entity to which the nodes must be associated. Valid values are points, lines, surfs and solids. This option is only required for manual_association set to 1. Only a single point, line, surface or solid must be selected for manual association
The ID of the mark containing the geometry to which the nodes must be associated. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The tolerance used for both automatic and manual association. Only nodes which fall within this tolerance of the geometry will be associated. It is recommended to generally keep this tolerance high.
Tolerance used for manual association to snap nodes within this tolerance to points to boundary geometry when associating to lines, surfaces, and solids. For example, when associating to a line, the selected nodes within the snap tolerance will be associated to end points of the lines.
Enables moving nodes to their initial geometry location when associated.
0 – Disabled
1 – Enabled
Enables overriding the existing association. If disabled, selected nodes with existing initial association will be skipped for new association. It is recommended to keep this option disabled for automatic association.
0 – Disabled
1 – Enabled


To automatically associate all nodes in the model:

*createmark elements 1 all
*associate_nodes_to_geom mesh_entity_mark=1 mesh_entity=nodes manual_association=0 assoc_tol=10 snap_tol=0.1 snap_nodes=0 override_assoc=1

To manually associate nodes ID 24 and 23 to line ID 17:

*createmark nodes 1 24 23
*createmark lines 1 17
*associate_nodes_to_geom geom_entity_mark=1 geom_entity=lines mesh_entity_mark=1 mesh_entity=nodes manual_association=1 assoc_tol=10 snap_tol=0.1 override_assoc=1 snap_nodes=0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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