The beam section may or may not have any results data available. If the requested data item
has not been defined, then the value returned is "-99999.9"
- center
- The reduction point to recompute beamsection properties when sketch or section manager has been updated. Only valid if a sketch has been assigned to the beamsection.
- computeproperties
- The flag to compute properties when sketch or section manager has been updated. Only valid if a sketch has been assigned to the beamsection.
- dt_field
- The table containing the tessellation information.
- dt_dataset
- The table containing the solver information (material, functions, and so on).
- internalname
- The internal name of the entity.
- moduleid
- The module ID of the entity.
- partdefinition
- The list of sketch curve IDs defining each region. This option is provided as a formatted string. Each curve ID is separated by a comma “,”. If the sketch region describes a solid part and this one contains holes, a hole definition may be added by a semicolon “;”.
- partmanagertable
- The section manager containing the sketch regions to realize the beamsection. Only valid if a sketch has been assigned to the beamsection.
- partmaterial
- The material information for each sketch region. If material=”-1.0” and the region describes a solid part, this one is considered as being a hole. If material=”0.0”, the region will be defined as only geometric region. The format for non-geometric materials is “Type,ElasticModulus,PoissonRatio,ShearModulus,YieldLimit”. The only accepted type is 1 (elastic material).
- partname
- The list of sketch regions names.
- partscount
- The number of sketch regions to realize the beamsection.
- partsize
- The characteristic size for each sketch region. If a region is describing a solid part, the partsize corresponds to the meshsize for meshing. If a region is describing a solid part and size=0.0, the meshsize will be autocalculated. If a region is describing a shell part, the partsize corresponds to the part thickness.
- poolid
- The pool number of the entity.
- poolname
- The pool name of the entity.
- results_area
- The area of the beamsect.
- results_centroid0
- The local y-coordinate of the centroid of the beamsect.
- results_centroid1
- The local z-coordinate of the centroid of the beamsect.
- results_coordExt0
- The coordinate extent in the y direction.
- results_coordExt1
- The coordinate extent in the z direction.
- results_coordExtP0
- The coordinate extent in y principal coordinates.
- results_coordExtP1
- The coordinate extent in z principal coordinates.
- results_elasticCenter0
- The y-coordinate of the elastic center.
- results_elasticCenter1
- The z-coordinate of the elastic center.
- results_Emt
- The elastic torsion modulus.
- results_gamma
- The warping constant.
- results_lcentroid0
- lyy in centroidal coordinates. Note: This data name contains an uppercase I (i).
- results_lcentroid1
- lzz in centroidal coordinates. Note: This data name contains an uppercase I (i).
- results_lcentroid2
- lyz in centroidal coordinates.Note: This data name contains an uppercase I (i).
- results_lprincipal0
- lv principal moment of inertia. Note: This data name contains an uppercase I (i).
- results_lprincipal1
- lw principal moment of inertia.Note: This data name contains an uppercase I (i).
- results_luser0
- lyy in user coordinates. Note: This data name contains an uppercase I (i).
- results_luser1
- lzz in user coordinates. Note: This data name contains an uppercase I (i).
- results_luser2
- lyz in user coordinates. Note: This data name contains an uppercase I (i).
- results_J
- The torsional constant.
- results_NumberOfCells
- The number of cells in the section.
- results_Pmt
- The plastic torsion modulus.
- results_PrincipalShear0
- The principal shear in the y direction.
- results_PrincipalShear1
- The principal shear in the z direction.
- results_radiusG
- The radius of gyration.
- results_S0
- The Ey elastic section modulus.
- results_S1
- The Ez elastic section modulus.
- results_shearAngle
- The shear angle.
- results_shearCenter0
- The y coordinate of shear center.
- results_shearCenter1
- The z coordinate of shear center.
- results_shearCenterP0
- The y coordinate of shear center in principal coordinates.
- results_shearCenterP1
- The z coordinate of shear center in principal coordinates.
- results_ShearDeform0
- The shear deformation coefficient alpha-yy.
- results_ShearDeform1
- The shear deformation coefficient alpha-zz.
- results_ShearDeform2
- The shear deformation coefficient alpha-yz.
- results_shearStiff0
- The shear stiffness factor kyy.
- results_shearStiff1
- The shear stiffness factor kzz.
- results_shearStiff2
- The shear stiffness factor kyz.
- results_SP0
- Ey in principal coordinates.
- results_SP1
- Ez in principal coordinates.
- results_theta
- The principal angle.
- results_torsionCoeff0
- The torsional coefficient in the y direction.
- results_torsionCoeff1
- The torsional coefficient in the z direction.
- results_Z0
- The plastic section modulus Py.
- results_Z1
- The plastic section modulus Pz.
- results_ZP0
- The plastic section modulus Py in principal coordinates.
- results_ZP1
- The plastic section modulus Pz in principal coordinates.
- results_areaEnclosed
- If results_NumberOfCells is non-zero, this is a pointer to the areas enclosed by each cell of the section.
- sketch
- The pointer to the sketcher that defines the beam section.
- solver_id
- The solver ID of the entity.
- solvername
- The solver name of the entity for entities enabled for name pool, otherwise the internal name of the entity.
Version History
2021.1 - Added new data names moduleid, poolid, poolname, and solver_id.
2021.2 - Added new data names internalname and solvername.
2022.1 - Added new data names dt_field, dt_dataset, and sketch.
2022.2 - Added new data names center, computeproperties, partscount, partmanagertable, partmaterial, partname, and partsize.