OptiStruct 2024の新機能を確認できます。
OptiStructは実績のある最新の構造ソルバーであり、静的 / 動的 / 振動 / 音響 / 疲労 / 熱伝導 / マルチフィジックスの分野にまたがる線形 / 非線形解析について包括的で正確、かつスケーラブルなソリューションを提供します。
Examines the hyperelastic behavior of a hexahedral element under enforced displacement using different material models such as Arruda Boyce, reduced polynomial, Yeoh and Ogden model.
In this problem, a rubber disk pinned at its circumferential edge is subjected to pressure load. This causes the disk to bulge into a spherical shape, like a balloon.
The combination of hyperelastic material models with viscoelasticity allows you to model the strain rate dependent large strain response.
Chaboche model, which is the extension of Frederick–Armstrong model, is commonly used in modeling uniaxial and multiaxial ratcheting.
Knowledge of the material model and its parameters is essential to predict the behavior of the printed components for FEM Analysis. Anand is one of the material models used to study viscoplastic materials.