User Sensors
In Radioss, up to three types of user sensors can be defined.
Two subroutines are needed to define a new sensor: one must be linked with Radioss Starter and the other must be linked with Radioss Engine.
The Starter subroutines are called LECSEN_USR1, LECSEN_USR2, or LECSEN_USR3. They are used to read sensor data and to initialize parameters.
The Engine subroutines are called USER_SENS1, USER_SENS2 or USER_SENS3 and they perform a user-defined action.
The only argument passed to the user routines in Radioss Engine is the sensor identifier.
User sensors can be used in Radioss in the same way as standard sensors. They may activate or deactivate other sensors, airbags, springs, boundary conditions, imposed velocities/displacements, concentrated loads, and so on. They specify the user-defined activation condition and sensor action. User sensor may retrieve Radioss variables using special access functions. All data may be stored in sensor buffer for user-defined processing or for passing information to other parts of user code.