Problem 2: Dynamic Analysis of the Simple Harmonic Motion of a Pendulum


The objective is to find the time period of simple pendulum of cord length 1 m, released from an angle of 60ᵒ.
Figure 1.

Entities Validated

  • Rigid body
  • Acceleration due to gravity
  • Revolute joint

Type of Analysis

  • Dynamic


Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics | Dynamics, Twelfth Edition by Beer, Johnston, Mazurek, Cornwell, Self: 1357

Model Files

simple_pendulum.mdl - MotionView Model

simple_pendulum.xml - MotionSolve Deck

Graphical Results

Figure 2.

Result Comparison

Output Analytical MotionSolve % Error
Time period of pendulum (s) 2.153 2.15 0.1%


MotionSolve results compare well with analytical results.