Notification of Job Status
The Accelerator vovnotifyd notification daemon accesses the server's event stream and then sends a notification for jobs that request it.
% nc run -m sleep 10
% nc run -M ":ERROR" simulate chip.spi
recipientList : verbList
recipientList : ALL
: verbList
DESCHEDULE - Job has been dequeued.
DISPATCH - Job has left the queue and has been routed to an execution host.
ERROR - Job has exited with a failure.
FORGET - Job has been forgotten.
RESUME - Job has been resumed.
STOP - Job has exited successfully.
SUSPEND - Job has been suspended.
If the recipientList is empty, a notification is sent to the owner of the job. If the verbList is empty, then a notification is sent only when the job terminates.
john : ERROR - Send mail to the user 'john' if the job terminates in error.
: STOP ERROR - Send mail to the job owner when the job terminates.
john mary: ALL - Send mail to the users 'john' and 'mary' for anything that happens to the job.
Change the MAILTO Property After Job Submission
% nc cmd vovprop get 000012345 MAILTO
% nc cmd vovprop set -text 000012345 MAILTO "mary : STOP ERROR"
% nc cmd vovprop delete 000012345 MAILTO