Browser-based Setup

Accelerator provides a simplified user-friendly browser-based setup, which is especially useful for new users. To use this browser-base setup page, please first make sure Accelerator is running.

Find the URL

First find the Accelerator URL, using vovbrowser or vsi:
% nc cmd vovbrowser
% nc cmd vsi
(more detailed output, including the Accelerator vovserver URL)

The setup script is available at the URL /cgi/setup.cgi (for example, in this case, it is http://alpaca:6295/cgi/setup.cgi).

Setup Using the Web Page

  1. Follow the instructions on the web page to finish the basic setup.
  2. On the Taskers setup page, try to add at least one tasker for each type (Server, Workstation, Offhours).
  3. View the tasker statuses at URL /taskers.
  4. Try out some test jobs.
    Note: You need a working remote-shell setup to start non-local vovtaskers for this step.