Advanced Policy Configuration

Besides the vovserver configuration file policy.tcl, the behavior of job submission to Accelerator can also be controlled by the file $VOVDIR/local/vnc_policy.tcl, which is used to define the following procedures:
VncPolicyDefaultResources The default resources required by a job.
VncPolicyValidateResources Make sure that the resource list for a job obeys any number of rules.
VncPolicyDefaultPriority { user } Assign the default priority to a job based on the user.
VncPolicyMaxPriority { user priority } Limit the priority based on the maximum allowed to the user.

In this tutorial, you will configure VncPolicyDefaultResources and VncPolicyValidateResources.

Configure Default Resources

By default, Accelerator takes machine architecture as the resource of the job that you submit from a particular machine. This is controlled by the default setting of VncPolicyDefaultResources:
proc VncPolicyDefaultResources {} { 
    global env
return "$env(VOVARCH)"
To change this behavior, you can create or edit the file $VOVDIR/local/vnc_policy.tcl, and add or edit the procedure that follows. This procedure will set the default resources to be the architecture and 50mb of memory. If you have more than one Accelerator setup, you can place the vnc_policy.tcl file in the .swd and it will apply only to that one.
proc VncPolicyDefaultResources {} { 
    global env
return "$env(VOVARCH) RAM/50"

Enforce Job Resource Rules

You can also enforce some rules of job resources by overriding the procedure VncPolicyValidateResources. Here is the default behavior:
proc VncPolicyValidateResources { resList } { 
    return $resList

But this process does nothing. Try the process described below:

To enforce a rule so that all jobs require a minimum RAM of 512 MB, create or edit the file $VOVDIR/local/vnc_policy.tcl and add or edit VncPolicyValidateResources procedure as follows:
proc VncPolicyValidateResources { resList } {
# This policy adds a minimum RAM requirement
# for all submitted jobs.

if [regexp "RAM/" $resList] {
     # Already a RAM constaints.
} else {
     lappend resList "RAM/512"
return $resList