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VOV-13502 |
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This fix provides for mitigation of a hang in the http(s)
service. It reinstates the nginx service found in earlier
releases. The use of the patch is required for production
systems using the https service - typically Accelerator. The
patch prevents the use of the REST v3 API, a subsequent release
will address this shortcoming. The use of nginx should be seen
as temporary and a subsequent release is expected to provide
integrated https within vovserver. To start nginx, pass
-webprovider nginx to ncmgr
start, lmmgr start, etc. You
should see vovnginxd start as one of the vov
daemons. vovservermgr config will also show
the webprovider setting as being either 'internal' or 'nginx'
depending on how you have configured the system. |