• 2
    • 2016.09 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 1 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 2 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 3 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 4 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 5 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 6 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 7 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 8.1-1 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 8.1-2 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 8.1 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 8 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 9.1 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 9.2 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 9.3 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 9.4 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 9 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 10.1 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 10 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 11.1 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 11.2 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 11.3 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 11.4 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 11.5 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 11 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 12 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 13.1 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 13 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 14 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 15 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 16.1 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 16 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 17 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 18 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 19 release notes[1]
    • 2016.09 Update 20 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 1 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 2 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 3 Patch 1 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 3 Patch 2 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 3 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 4 Patch 1 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 4 Patch 2 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 4 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 5 Patch 1 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 5 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 6 Patch 1 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 6 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 7 Patch 1 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 7 Patch 2 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 7 Patch 3 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 7 Patch 4 release notes[1]
    • 2019.01 Update 7 release notes[1]
    • 2020.1 release notes[1]
    • 2021.1.0 release notes[1]
    • 2021.1.0-rs1 patch release notes[1]
    • 2024.1.0[1][2]
    • 2024.1.0 supported operating systems[1]
  • .
  • A
    • Accelerator Administrator Tutorials[1]
    • access to help[1][2]
    • add additional environment directories[1]
    • add a job interactively[1]
    • add more jobs to the flow[1]
    • add new platform to current release[1]
    • add workstation/offhours vovtaskers[1]
    • advanced commands[1]
    • advanced policy configuration[1]
    • advanced REST usage[1]
    • ALM, install license server software[1]
    • ALM bundle[1]
    • Altair Accelerator product installation[1]
    • Altair License Management[1]
    • analyze impact[1]
    • appendix, special considerations for Accelerator[1]
    • Art of Flows Example 1[1]
    • Art of Flows Example 1 with Scripts[1]
    • Art of Flows Example 2[1]
    • Art of Flows Example 2 with scripts[1]
    • Art of Flows Example Guide[1]
  • B
    • batch process to define and run a flow[1]
    • bin/bash[1]
    • bin/csh[1]
    • bin/tcsh[1]
    • browser-based setup[1]
    • build a more complex flow[1]
    • build a worklist of software patches to install[1]
    • build the flow[1][2]
  • C
    • change dependent input file[1]
    • check available patches[1]
    • check file status[1]
    • check job status[1]
    • check project information[1]
    • clean up[1][2][3]
    • client limitation and tuning[1]
    • clients, too many in the system[1]
    • client service modes[1]
    • cold upgrade[1]
    • command line interface[1]
    • compose good enviornment scripts[1]
    • configuration examples[1][2]
    • configure and manage Monitor-basic[1]
    • configure an environment[1]
    • configure default resources[1]
    • configure FairShare[1]
    • configure policy.tcl for FairShare[1]
    • configure resources[1]
    • configure security[1]
    • configure taskers[1]
    • connection keep-alive[1]
    • connect to an LDAP server[1]
    • connect to an SMTP server[1]
    • create a complex flow[1]
    • create a FlowTracer project[1]
    • create a project[1]
    • create a project directory[1]
    • create a temporary download staging area[1][2][3]
    • create efficient VOV scripts[1]
    • create or reuse a special patches directory[1]
    • create the installation directory[1]
    • customize actions needed to enable access to Altair Accelerator products on Windows[1]
  • D
    • database upgrades[1]
    • debug log[1]
    • deep verification checks[1][2][3][4]
    • define a logical HOME directory name[1]
    • detect conflicts[1]
    • determine reason for invalid node status[1]
    • documentation files[1]
    • download and expand the files[1]
    • download the files[1][2]
    • download the files - add a platform installation[1]
    • download the installation files[1]
    • download the software[1][2][3][4]
  • E
    • EDA Automation Tutorial[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 1[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 1 - check out the data[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 1 - customize the project[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 1 - setup[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 1 - start the browser interface[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 1 - start the project[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 2[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 2 - blockflow.tcl[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 2 - chip structure file and cdt script[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 2 - edademo.cgi[1]
    • EDA Demo Part 2 - the capsules[1]
    • EDA flows[1][2]
    • enable Altair Accelerator for non-interactive shells[1]
    • enable a shell[1]
    • enable CLI access on UNIX[1]
    • enable CLI access on Windows[1]
    • enable the command prompt to communicate with a running product server[1]
    • enable the shell to communicate with a running product server[1]
    • enforce job resource rules[1]
    • environment variables[1]
    • example application: REST 101[1]
    • example applications: job submit and list[1]
    • execute the flow[1]
    • exhausted file descriptors behavior[1]
  • F
    • file system layout[1]
    • find and view example environment scripts[1]
    • find and view resources.tcl file[1]
    • find the server working directory[1]
    • find the URL[1]
    • first time installation steps[1]
    • floating license server[1]
    • flow.tcl file[1][2]
    • flow description language[1]
    • FlowTracer Advanced Tutorials[1]
    • FlowTracer Beginner's Tutorial[1]
    • for Acclerator installation only[1][2][3]
    • forget nodes and sets from the graph[1]
  • G
    • general installation steps[1]
    • generate custom HTML reports using CGI tutorials[1]
    • get detailed information about a job[1]
    • get ready for REST[1]
    • get summary information[1]
    • grid view[1]
    • GUI job views[1]
  • H
    • hardware guidelines[1]
    • help, Accelerator[1][2]
    • horizontal graph view[1]
    • hot upgrade[1]
    • HTTPS security considerations[1]
  • I
    • install.sh[1][2][3]
    • install a patch to a current release[1]
    • installation, PowerShell not supported[1]
    • installation, troubleshoot[1]
    • installation checklists[1]
    • installation guide[1]
    • installation via a batch script[1][2][3]
    • installation via the user interface[1][2][3]
    • install flexlm utilities[1]
    • install the ALM license server software[1]
    • install the software[1][2]
    • install the software - new platform[1]
    • install third party software[1]
    • invoke the GUI[1]
    • issuing REST requests from the Swagger web UI[1]
  • J
    • job control[1]
    • job reports: list[1]
    • job reports: table[1]
    • jobs, show current information[1]
    • JWT access tokens[1]
    • JWT token allocation[1]
  • K
    • key REST concepts[1]
  • L
    • launch jobs with non-default options[1]
    • legacy OS installation[1]
    • license key file[1]
    • license keys[1]
    • licensing[1]
    • licensing FlowTracer by seat[1]
    • lmutil/lmstat, install[1]
    • local directory[1]
    • locate server configuration directory to find policy.tcl[1]
    • locate the security configuration file: security.tcl[1]
    • logical names (equivalences[1]
  • M
    • make changes to a file and run it[1]
    • method 1: use windows explorer to set command line environment[1]
    • method 2: using Windows command prompt to set command line environment[1]
    • metrics, scheduler[1]
    • Monitor Basic setup[1]
    • monitoring jobs, taskers and resources[1]
  • N
  • O
  • P
    • patch.tcl[1]
    • PDF, access[1][2]
    • PDF Guides - installation[1]
    • PDF Guides - tutorials[1]
    • plan the installation[1]
    • plan the upgrade[1]
    • plan to add a new platform[1]
    • plan to install a patch[1]
  • Q
  • R
    • register one job from the command line[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 1[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 2[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 3[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 4[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 5[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 6[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 7[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 8[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 8.1[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 8.1-1[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 8.1-2[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 9[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 9.1[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 9.2[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 9.3[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 9.4[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 10[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 10.1[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 11[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 11.1[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 11.2[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 11.3[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 11.4[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 11.5[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 12[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 13[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 13.1[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 14[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 15[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 16[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 16.1[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 17[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 18[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 19[1]
    • release notes, 2016.09 Update 20[1]
    • release notes, 2021.1.0-p1[1]
    • release notes, 2021.1.1[1]
    • release notes, 2021.1.1-p1[1]
    • release notes, 2021.2.0[1]
    • release notes, 2021.2.0-p1[1]
    • release notes, 2021.2.0-p2[1]
    • release notes, 2021.2.0-p3[1]
    • release notes, 2021.2.0-p4[1]
    • release notes, 2021.2.0-p5[1]
    • release notes, 2021.2.1[1]
    • release notes, 2021.2.1-p1[1]
    • release notes, 2021.2.1-p2[1]
    • release notes, 2021.2.1-p3[1]
    • release notes, 2022.1.0[1]
    • release notes, 2022.1.0-p1[1]
    • release notes, 2022.1.1[1]
    • release notes, 2023.1.0[1][2]
    • release notes, 2023.1.1[1]
    • release notes, 2023.1.2[1]
    • release notes, 2023.1.2-p1[1]
    • release notes, 2023.1.2-p2[1]
    • release notes, 2024.1.0[1]
    • remove depended input file[1]
    • remove older sets[1]
    • repeat the tutorial without the GUI[1]
    • rerun from the CLI[1]
    • rerun jobs[1]
    • reserved connection on the localhost[1]
    • resource management[1]
    • resource monitor[1]
    • resource path[1]
    • resource throttling[1]
    • restart the Accelerator queue[1]
    • restore the shell prompt[1]
    • REST request detailed documentation[1][2]
    • rigorous verification[1][2][3][4]
    • rolling hot upgrade[1]
    • run a flow from the command line[1]
    • run basic jobs[1]
    • run jobs with various options[1]
    • run the flow interactively[1]
    • run the jobs[1]
  • S
    • sample module - software environment management[1]
    • save the new configuration[1]
    • scheduler metrics[1]
    • security configuration examples[1]
    • server capacity[1]
    • server configuration parameters[1]
    • set command line environment[1]
    • set up Altair Monitor services[1]
    • set up environment variables[1][2][3][4]
    • setup using the web page[1]
    • SFDs[1]
    • single file distributables[1]
    • SMTP server[1]
    • solution to file descriptor exhaustion[1]
    • special considerations for Accelerator[1]
    • special considerations for Monitor[1]
    • specify name of logfile: -l <logfile>[1]
    • start/stop Accelerator[1]
    • start/stop vovtaskers[1]
    • start Accelerator[1]
    • start a queue[1]
    • start a test queue[1]
    • start a vovtasker from the command line[1]
    • start newly defined vovtaskers[1]
    • start the GUI console[1]
    • start the license server[1]
    • stat view[1]
    • stop Accelerator[1]
    • stop the project[1]
    • submit multiple jobs at once[1]
    • supported browsers[1]
    • supported operating systems[1]
    • supported platforms[1]
    • system configuration hardware guidelines[1]
  • T
    • target platforms[1]
    • test the new FairShare configuration[1]
    • troubleshooting[1]
    • troubleshooting the installation[1]
    • troubleshooting the UNIX setup[1]
    • types of software downloads available[1]
  • U
    • uninstall a software update patch[1]
    • updating expiring licenses[1]
    • upgrade_install[1]
    • upgrade Accelerator[1]
    • upgrade Monitor using the direct database method - Linux[1]
    • upgrade Monitor using the direct database method - Windows[1]
    • upgrade Monitor using the online database method[1]
    • upgrade Monitor using the online database method - Windows[1]
    • upgrade overview[1]
    • use Accelerator help[1][2]
    • use Altair Accelerator's REST API to submit and list jobs[1]
    • use a specific queue[1]
    • use environments: -e <env>[1]
    • use of resources: -r <res1 res2 ...>[1]
    • use the Accelerator product administrator account[1][2][3]
    • use the set browser[1]
    • use the web browser[1]
    • utilities, flexlm install[1]
  • V
  • W
    • wait for jobs[1]
    • Windows installation overview[1]
    • Windows networking[1]
    • write flows[1]