Install the Software

Create the Installation Directory

Because this is the first installation of the Altair Accelerator software, you need to create a directory that will hold Altair Accelerator software, including this release and future updates and upgrades. It is a convention to give the top level install directory a name based on Altair, to make it easy to understand what is in it.

In the examples here, the top level Altair Accelerator software install directory will be named /opt/rtda.

The recommended naming scheme is to use the altair name in the top level directory where the installation is, and then use the release name as the subdirectory name to hold the installed files for the particular release:


where 1212.1.0 is the product release name. For example:


Note: Location path names must not contain any spaces.

The directory naming model uses a subdirectory under the top level for each release, named after the release. It will hold the installed files for that particular release. As other releases are installed later, they can be installed in peer subdirectories to this release, with their own release name.

See File System Layout, for a full description of the directory structure of Altair Accelerator files.

The naming convention is suggested to avoid a mistaken practice of using the platform as part of the top level path name. The platform-specific files will be placed within a release with subdirectory names related to the platform. The distinction of "platform" is at the innermost area of the directory structure, with the "release" distinction at the outer level.

The software is normally installed on a file server machine within the network, and is auto-mounted on the other machines so that the files are accessible as a local path on the other machines.

The expectation is that User and Group account names and UIDs are the same on all the machines in the network. Even though the installed files are owned by a user on the file server machine, the ownership will be shared by a user with the same name from another machine. This reduces the conflicts and problems related to shared files across the network.