Upgrade Monitor using the Direct Database Method on Linux

Administrators are best served by this upgrade method if a few hours or less of license usage reporting downtime is acceptable, or if you are not currently running a database in your Monitor project.

To upgrade Monitor with this method, the steps are as follows:

  1. Source the vovrc.sh (or vovinit.bat) file for the old software version and set LM_NAME to the name of the Monitor project:
    % LM_NAME=monitor_project_name
    % source /opt/OLDVERSION/etc/vovrc.sh
  2. View the Monitor web UI and check the Admin > System > Database UI page to see if the latest version 14.4 PostgreSQL database is running, or if no database is configured. In either of these cases, no database upgrade is needed.
  3. Set OLDVOVDIR to the value of $VOVDIR for later use in the PostgreSQL database upgrade steps that will be needed later.
  4. Stop the Monitor project.
    % lmmgr stop –name $LM_NAME -force
  5. Source the vovrc.sh (or vovinit.bat) file to access the newly installed software.
    % source /opt/NEWVERSION/etc/vovrc.sh
  6. Start the Monitor project.
    % lmmgr start –name $LM_NAME
  7. Enable the shell for a Monitor project and verify that the database has not started, because of the version change:
    % vovproject enable $LM_NAME  
    % vovdb_util showcfg
  8. If a database upgrade is not needed, and the database is running, then you are done. Otherwise continue with step 9 .
  9. Prepare for a database file format upgrade. The following steps will create an upgraded copy of the Monitor database which will be stored in the same directory as the old one. The new database file directory created will have a new versioned directory name like “dbdataNN_M” where “NN_M” is the PostgreSQL software version. Before doing the conversion, check that the filesystem has enough space for another directory of about the same size. The old database directory will be left in place.
  10. Before the database file conversion command can be issued, assign shell variable OLDPG to the bin directory containing PostgreSQL software in the old Monitor version installation. This uses the OLDVOVDIR variable set in Step 3.
    Here is a Linux shell command that would accomplish this:
    % OLDPG=$(ls -d $OLDVOVDIR/postgresql*/bin)
  11. Set the shell variable DBPATH to the path to the dbdata9_6 top-level DB directory. See the "Data Path" shown by vovdb_util showcfg:
    % vovdb_util showcfg | grep 'Data Path'
    vovdb_util 11/09/2022 18:39:05:   Data Path:  /DBDIR
  12. Use this example to set DBPATH to /DBDIR/dbdata9_6 or DBDIR/dbdata9_4 as appropriate.
  13. You are ready to initiate the database file conversion. This command should be run from a Linux shell or Windows command prompt window that can remain running for the hours needed to do the full conversion:
    % vovdb_util upgrade -sdb $DBPATH -spgsw $OLDPG
  14. After the database file upgrade completes, the PostgreSQL database may be started by:
    % vovdb_util startdb
  15. Ensure that all checkouts that occurred while the database was offline get loaded into the database:
    % lmmgr loaddb
You have now completed the Monitor upgrade. If for some reason you need to downgrade Monitor back to the old version with an old version of PostgreSQL as well, the original database directory remains available for use (see Step 2 text above).