Create a Project
FlowTracer keeps track of the files and jobs that make up the flow you want managed. The collection of such files and jobs constitutes a "project". Each project has one dependency graph that encodes the runtime trace of the jobs and files in the project. Each dependency graph of a runtime trace has one running server process that manages it.
You begin using FlowTracer by creating a project and starting its server. If a project was already created but not running, then starting its server would be all that was needed.
To create a project, you must choose at least:
- a name for the project; any alphanumeric string can be used
- a host to run the server
Optionally, you may also specify
- a directory that will hold the "server working directory" (.swd) for the project. This .swd directory will contain the system control files used by FlowTracer. The default location that holds the FlowTracer server working directory is inside the vov directory in your home directory (~/vov) on UNIX, and in $VOVDIR/local/swd on Windows.
For this tutorial, we will use the default location for holding the .swd directory.