Use Altair Accelerator's REST API to Submit and List Jobs


Altair Accelerator supports a Representational State Transfer (REST) API that enables a developer to submit, monitor, and control batch jobs as well as query the batch scheduler queues, jobs, and hosts in useful ways. A REST API is based on a URL name space targeted by HTTP operations like POST and GET to submit jobs or make queries. REST APIs are popular ways for developers to write portable applications, both UI and command line, that can interface to the Accelerator queue over secure HTTPS connections. This tutorial will introduce key concepts and will also provide working example Python programs that interface to Accelerator via REST.

Developers use a variety of languages in web clients when interfacing to a REST API, including Python, PHP, Java, Node.js and others. This tutorial will focus on the use of Python in example code.

For more specific information, see REST API in the VOV Subsystem Reference Guide.

Also in this Tutorial