Install the Software

You may need to know the path to the current release in order to perform the operations described here. The path that is needed is the one that ends with the release number.

In the examples here, the current installation path will be shown as the /opt/rtda/2019.01 directory. When you see this in examples, you should understand that it is referring to the path to your current release.

In the previous step, you downloaded all the needed software patch files and placed them into the special patches directory within the current release.

For each software patch file, you need to run the install-patch script, passing it the name of the patch file to install.

You must be in the current release when you run the install-patch script from its location within the scripts directory. You must give it the relative name of the patch file in the patches directory. The processing depends on this arrangement for it to work correctly.

  1. For a UNIX system:
    1. Assume that Altair Accelerator is installed at /opt/rtda/ with the current release in the subdirectory 2019.01. You must be in the top level release directory when you run the install-patch script, ./scripts/PATCH.tcl, for each software patch file.
  2. UNIX: For Altair Accelerator Installations Only
    After installing the patches to the release, you may have installed fresh versions of the vovtaskerroot executable for supported platforms.

    If you are running Accelerator, you need to run a special process to fix these executables so that they work properly. This process changes the executables to have set_UID turned on so that Accelerator can deploy a job and have it run under the ID of the user who submits them.

    You must be logged in as root or have sudo privileges to perform this step correctly in order to create the vovtaskerroot binary for each installed platform.
    Note: You must run the script exactly as shown in the next example. The script will not work correctly unless it is executed from the specified directory.

    The following script creates a set-UID executable called vovtaskerroot so that jobs can be run under the ID of the user who submits them. This script also sets the set-UID bit in vovgetpasswd for Linux.

    1. To complete the update of software patches, you need to login as root and create the binary for vovtaskerroot by means of the following commands:
      % /bin/su -
      # cd <install_path>
      # sh ./scripts/
      # exit
      For example:
      % /bin/su -
      # cd /opt/rtda/2019.01
      # sh ./scripts/
      # exit
  3. For a Windows-only System:

    It is possible to install software patches to a Windows-only installation.

    If you have this installation, then your earlier steps identified the software patches files and you downloaded them into the sub folder patches within the release.

    For this discussion, assume that Altair Accelerator is installed at D:\rtda with a subfolder 2019.01 holding the current release. Then, the D:\rtda\2019.01\patches folder has been created and contains the downloaded patch files.

    1. The install-patch command for the Windows-only installation requires that you set up your command line environment for calling it. Set it up by running the vovinit.bat file in the release. It is in the win64\bat folder.
      c:\> D:
      d:\> cd \rtda\2019.01
      d:\> win64\bat\vovinit  

      The command line environment needs to be set so that folders within the current release are on the PATH so that the programs in them will be found during the install-patch processing.

      In particular, the main program is named PATCH.bat, which is in the win/bat folder. By setting up the environment with vovinit.bat call, it will be found when called.

      It in turn calls the command Patch.tcl, which is in the scripts/ folder. This folder is added to the PATH by the vovinit.bat script, so that the command will be found.

      The Windows-only install-patch technology depends on the tar.exe and gunzip.exe files being found on the PATH. During the original installation, those programs are placed into the win64/instbin folder, so they will be found by the install-patch process. Older install programs did not do this. If those files are absent from the win64/instbin folder, you can copy them there, or specify the path to where they are, using the -tar and -gunzip options when you start the install-patch.

      With all those dependencies taken care of, you can run the install-patch command (PATCH) while you are in the top folder of the release.

      This example will repeat the command to run vovinit.bat to set up the command line environment. Assume that the patches folder exists and that it contains the downloaded patch file.
      c:\> D:
      d:\> cd \rtda\2019.01
      d:\> win64\bat\vovinit 
      d:\> PATCH patches\p1.common.patch.tar.gz