Quick Verification

After completing the installation and setting up your shell environment, you can do a quick verify that the install was successful by running a program that reports on the installed version. This confirms that the installed program is accessible on your PATH and that it is the version you expect.

Use the vovversion program to confirm you are accessing the desired version of the product.

Running this command should give you the expected version number, and the expected location where you have installed the product.

It is also a good practice to check that your environment variables have been set up correctly:
> source /<install_path>/<version>/<platform>/common/etc/vovrc.csh
% vovversion -all
You should see the expected version number, and the expected location where you have installed the product.


Print the VOV version. Optionally show more details.

vovversion: Usage Message

    Print the VOV version. Optionally show more details.

    vovversion [options]

    -help      -- Print this message
    -all       -- Print all available version information
    -clients   -- List clients and their version numbers
    -install   -- Print the VOV version with patch names, if any
    -patches   -- Print patch names, if any
    -project   -- Print the version of vovserver associated with the
                  current project
    -short     -- Print VOV version with short patch name, if any
    -verify    -- Ensure server and client versions match

    [Can abbreviate options provided they are unambiguous]