Use O_CONFLICT to Choose Behavior in Case of Output Conflict

This procedure sets the handler for output conflicts in FDL. The default behavior is to ABORT. It is also possible to choose RETRY, which kills the currently running old job and then retries the output declaration.

It is also possible to pass the name of a custom handler. This handler takes 3 arguments: jobId outputId oldJobId and must return "RETRY" if successful.

O_CONFLICT <ABORT OR RETRY OR name_of_handler>

J vw cp aa1 bb
J vw cp aa2 bb   ; ## This will abort

Example of output-conflict-handler

proc VovOutputConflictHandlerAbort { jobId placeId oldJobId } {
    VovFatalError "Cannot declare $placeId as output of $jobId because it is already the output of $oldJobId"    

## Use this handler on output conflict.
O_CONFLICT VovOutputConflictHandlerAbort
Usage: O_CONFLICT <ABORT|RETRY|name_of_handler>
    This procedure sets the handler for output conflicts in FDL.
    The default behavior is to ABORT.  It is also possible to
    choose RETRY, which kills the currently running old job and then
    retries the output declaration.
    It is also possible to pass the name of a custom handler.
    This handler takes 3 arguments: jobId outputId oldJobId
    and must return "RETRY" if successful.