Composite Environments
Complex environments can be built via composition; use the operator "+"
with ves
, they can be combined by switching to the environment
as shown below: % ves E1+E2
Order of Environment Components
The order of the environment components in environments is significant, because some environment definitions can be destructive, while others may be in conflict with each other.
For example, the environment BASE
sets the variable PATH to a
well-defined list of directories, ignoring any previous value. For this variable,
the environments BASE
and E1+BASE
are identical,
because it is completely determined by the BASE
environment. Note
that in general, the environment BASE+E1
is a true composite
environment (assuming that E1 is not destructive).
as shown below:
mars chip@mercury BASE src/vhdl > ves SYNOPSYS+VIRAGE
mars chip@mercury SYNOPSYS+VIRAGE src/vhdl >