Email Notifications are not Being Received

  1. If the vovnotifyd daemon is not configured or is down, you won’t receive e-mails. To check the status of the vovnotifyd daemon, go to the Admin tab, and select the Daemons option.

    Figure 1. Daemons
  2. If it shows not configured, then go to Admin tab, and select Notifications and then Email Maps.

    Figure 2. Notification Configuration
  3. Enter your User ID and Email Address, and click Add.
  4. Click Send Test Mail.
    If the mail is received, the configuration is correct and other notifications should work as well. The vovnotifyd daemon uses operating system user names as the basis for email addresses. If this user name does not resolve, an email address map will need to be specified.

    If no email is received, contact customer support.