Set Up

For the first start of Monitor, click Admin > System > Database to configure the database. You must have ADMIN privileges on the Monitor server to configure and control the database.

Figure 1. System Database Configuration

Database Location

In this section, specify the host (if a separate database host is desired), port (if a specific port is desired), and the path to the database directory as seen by the specified database host. The configuration page will default to using the local host, a port randomly selected, and a path that is located in the installation area.

If configuring a separate database host, it is assumed that an SSH connection can be made between the Monitor server host and the remote database host without a password prompt appearing. Consult your IT organization to set up an SSH key environment if needed.
  • Separate database hosts are not supported for Windows-based installations.
  • It is highly recommended to utilize the local file system for the database directory. While remote file systems will work, the resulting performance will be far less than with the local file system.

The database host and path can also be configured from the command line. See Configure the Database from the Command Line for more information.

Database Control

After the database host and location have been specified, drag the slider switch to the ON position to create and start the database. The database will now be started automatically upon each start of Monitor.

To stop the database, drag the slider switch to the OFF position. When the database is not running, data will continue to be collected by Monitor but it will not be loaded until the database is restarted.

The database can also be started and stopped from the command line. See Configure the Database from the Command Line for more information.

Database Tasks

This section allows configuration of the database tasks. These tasks cannot be configured from the command line.

The tasks are run by the vovdbd daemon. Status is shown and updated every 30 seconds. For more information, refer to Daemon Operation.

The Data Loader checkbox controls the automatic loading of jobs. The loader runs continuously, but is automatically disabled when doing maintenance or backup.

The Maintenance settings enable daily database maintenance and specify the time window to perform maintenance. The database is still available during the maintenance window; however performance may be impacted. For this reason, it is best to schedule maintenance for off-peak hours.

Database Backups enables automated backups. The frequency of the backups, backup location, time window in which to start the backup, and how many backups to keep can be specified. As with maintenance, the database is still available while a backup is being made, however performance will be impacted.
Note: Network storage is acceptable for database backups.