Failure Codes
When a job fails, some explanation for the failure is stored in a field called "FAILCODE" of type integer.
. Hex Octal Dec Explanation
0x00000001 00000001 1 Preempted by owner
0x00000002 00000002 2 Preempted by admin
0x00000004 00000004 4 Preempted by system
0x00000008 00000010 8 Withdrawn
0x00000010 00000020 16 Killed by owner
0x00000020 00000040 32 Killed by administrator
0x00000040 00000100 64 Killed by system
0x00000080 00000200 128 Killed by autokill
0x00000100 00000400 256 Bad exit status
0x00000200 00001000 512 Got a signal
0x00000400 00002000 1024 Cannot change directory
0x00000800 00004000 2048 Bad environment
0x00001000 00010000 4096 No executable
0x00002000 00020000 8192 No outputs
0x00004000 00040000 16384 Input dependency issue
0x00008000 00100000 32768 Output conflict
0x00010000 00200000 65536 Cannot switch user id
0x00020000 00400000 131072 Cannot switch group id
0x00040000 01000000 262144 Cannot start
0x00080000 02000000 524288 Migrated
0x00100000 04000000 1048576 Bad timestamp of outputs
0x00200000 10000000 2097152 Pre-condition Failed
0x00400000 20000000 4194304 Post-condition Failed
0x00800000 40000000 8388608 Bad X11 Display
0x01000000 100000000 16777216 Too many ORs in resources
0x02000000 200000000 33554432 Bad resources
0x04000000 400000000 67108864 Failed to get Unix groups
0x08000000 1000000000 134217728 Killed by authorized user
- for reporting using the SQL database
- to distinguish a job that has been withdrawn by preemption from other type of failures. These jobs have the flag 0x8 set (withdrawn), and the jobs with that flag have the status "WITHDRAWN".