Limits for Objects and Strings

Numerical Limits

Description Applies to Default Min Max Policy Variable Notes
File tail name Files 255 - - - This is everything after the directory name
Full path name Files 1023 128 16000 maxPathLength Windows limit is 259, OSX is 1023, Linux is 1023 or 4095
NFS delay Files 0 0 300 nfsdelay The number of seconds to wait before trusting the NFS cache for file properties
Time tolerance Files 0 0 600 timeTolerance The max time skew between the server and any host used as a tasker
Child processes Jobs 40 - - - This is the number that are tracked for job statistics
Command length Jobs 40960 128 100000 maxCommandLineLength  
Job array size Jobs 10000 10 100000 maxJobArray  
Job class length Jobs No limit - - - Limited by available memory only
Job directory Jobs 1023 - - - Limited by OS
Job environment Jobs 512 128 16000 maxEnvLength Used named environments if more characters are needed
Job legal exit codes Jobs 100 - - - Space-separated list
Job name length Jobs No limit - - - Limited by available memory only
Job project length Jobs No limit - - - Limited by available memory only
Job resources Jobs 1024 128 16000 maxResourcesLength  
Resource map length Jobs 1024 512 64000  
Dependency levels Nodes 4095 - - - This is the max number of dependency levels in a flow graph including files and jobs
Number of smart sets Sets 50 10 5000 maxSmartSets Too many smart sets can result in reduced server performance
Selection rule Sets 511 - - -  
Set name Sets 511 - - -  
Property name length Properties 255 16 1024 prop.maxNameSize  
Property value length Properties 131071 128 1048576 prop.maxStringSize  
Tcl variables Scripts 2147483647 - - - Tcl variable values are limited to 2GB which may restrict some strings

Character Type Restrictions

Description Applies to Notes
Job name Jobs Special characters and spaces are okay to use in job names.
Job command Jobs Most special characters are okay to use in commands. Redirects (e.g. > and <), pipes (e.g. |), logical operators (e.g. && or ||) and semicolons need to be escaped unless they are meant to be used as shell operators.
Job substitutions Jobs @JOBID@, @NCJOBID@, and @IDINT@ in job names are substituted with the job's values for the job name, environment, and command.
Job array substitutions Jobs @INDEX@, @ARRAYJOBID@, @ARRAYID@, and @ARRAYIDINT@ in jobs that are in job arrays are substituted with the job's values
Set name Sets Special characters and spaces are okay to use in set names. Colons are used to denote hierarchy. Sets starting with "@@@" or "tmp:" are temporary sets and should not be used.