Altair HyperLife Weld Certification 2024.1 Release Notes


  • Utilization output for stress life workflow.
  • Evaluation distance to not depend on screening of welds via Inspect.
  • Batch evaluation of only selected welds from a model.

New Features

Utilization with Stress Life Workflow
Stress Life evaluation is extended to evaluate utilization for both welded and base metal evaluation. In weld evaluation, utilization is evaluated for all stress components (transverse, longitudinal and shear) of the weld. The endurance limit flag is to be activated in evaluate dialog to enable the utilization output.
Inclusion for Scale Factor fv in DVS 1608 for the total utilization formulae
The HyperLife Solver license feature is required for all evaluations in HyperLife Weld Certification. V2024 required the HyperLife Solver license feature only for Stress Life, ERRI and IEC.


Enhancement to Evaluation distance
The evaluation distance calculation is no longer dependent on Inspect/Screening of weld lines. The maximum evaluation distance assigned in Points context is controlled by the threshold distance (search distance) assigned in Preferences. > Preferences.
Weld evaluation in Batch mode allows evaluating only the weldlines listed in the Weld Property File.
Batch mode evaluation supports evaluation of only selected weldlines. The weld property file (WPF) assigned in the Master Run setup XML file is to be updated to list the weldlines of interest for evaluation.

Resolved Issues

  • The issue concerning derived loadcase (by superposition and envelope) not listing in Inspect and LoadMap contexts is resolved.
  • The points context for Stress Life/ERRI evaluation is updated to not list materials from VOLVO and RUPP approaches.