
A compatible NVIDIA graphics driver (version 452.39 or newer) must be installed on Windows operating system. CUDA-enabled GPUs with compute capabilities of 5.0 or higher are supported.

NVIDIA Data Center and RTX GPUs support two driver modes on Windows. In WDDM driver mode, the GPU is a shared resource for display output (for example, pre- and post-processing) and CUDA compute jobs. In TCM driver mode, GPU is reserved for CUDA compute jobs and Windows has no display access to the GPU.

After installation at $INSTALL_DIR, follow these steps to verify nanoFluidX has been installed correctly.

  1. Go to the Windows menu and click Altair2024 > HWCFD Solvers 2024 > nanoFluidX2024.
  2. Run system tests with the following:
    1. If you do not have the rights to run PowerShell scripts, you may set a temporary session through the following:
      Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process
    2. Alternatively, run the following batch script:
  3. A successful test will produce output similar to the figure below.
    Figure 1.
  4. Copy dambreak case from demo_cases to the location of choice <LOC>.
  5. Run the following:
    nanoFluidX:nFX_SP -i dambreak_3D_H300_dx0p005_wt.cfg -m 10.
The test run is successful when the message Finished (reached maximum steps) appears at the end.
Note: Simulation time may vary.
Figure 2.