Altair HyperXtrude 2024 Release Notes

Altair HyperXtrude is a suite of finite element solvers for simulating the following manufacturing processes. These solutions have interfaces in Inspire; the HyperXtrude solver is also called the Inspire Extrude Solver.
  • Binder Jet Sintering
  • Metal Extrusion
  • Polymer Extrusion
  • Quenching
  • Calibration
  • Metal Rolling
  • Friction Stir Welding
  • Resin Transfer Molding


  • Sintering: Support for hexahedral elements
  • Metal Extrusion: Transient nose cone analysis

All Solutions

Resolved Issues

Mixed element types in components - H3D Writer
In the previous release, speed up of H3D file export was implemented and this process assumed that a component/part had only one type of element. This introduced failures when this assumption was violated. Speed up of H3D file export no longer causes these failures. (HXT-730, HXT-731, HXT-734)
User units is now the default for writing H3D files
The solver has a parameter to control how the H3D result files are written. The previous default was to write in both SI and User Units. The new default is to write only in User Units as Inspire can automatically convert to SI units for post-processing. This avoids having to write two H3D files.

Binder Jet Sintering

New Features

Support for hexahedral elements
The sintering solution is enhanced to support hexahedral elements. This helps the solver compute the solution on voxel meshed parts. This feature is available for both shrinkage and compensation analysis. Lift and crack analysis are not yet supported. (HXT-737)

Metal Extrusion

New Features

Transient nose cone analysis
The metal extrusion solver has implemented a new feature to predict the profile nose cone in a transient analysis. This enables the solver to account for billet preheat and variations in initial temperature distribution. (HXT-356, HXT-463)

Resolved Issues

Error running particle trace simulation using the PHX file
There is no longer an error in the writing and reading variable for very large meshes. (HXT-705)
Random crash while running billet skin simulation
The boundary surface data that is written to the FEM file assumed each boundary component had only one type of element, but in the case of billet skin, the surface consisted of a mix of triangular and quadrilateral faces. This is resolved with the H3D Writer enhancement. (HXT-730)

Polymer Extrusion


Pressure dependent slip boundary condition
The solver now supports pressure-dependent friction boundary conditions in the preland region. The slip coefficient can be similar to the one for the land region: varying from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 implies full slip and 1.0 enforces a full stick condition. (HXT-723)

Resolved Issues

Prism elements in Insert were not written correctly in the H3D file
This issue was caused by mixed element types in insert components and it is resolved with the H3D Writer enhancement. (HXT-731, HXT-734)
Profiles sometimes show non-physical deformation with puller speed
The profile no longer shows displacement hotspots in the exit layer of the profile. (HXT-732)