Extend Surfaces
Use the Surfaces: Extend tool to create tangent or normal extension surfaces.
From the 2D ribbon, click the tool.
Figure 1.
- Select edge(s).
Click an arrow to switch between creating a tangent or normal extension
If an edge has multiple adjacent surfaces, use Tab to cycle between them.
- Optional:
Select one or both of the extend options in the microdialog.
- Click
to maintain edge angles.
- Click
to auto-trim intersecting surfaces.
- Click
Extend surfaces in the following ways:
- Enter a length in the microdialog and press Enter.
- Drag the arrow in the modeling window.
Tip: Constrain line drag to one direction, then use snap points to extend
surfaces by distances relative to existing geometry, even if the reference points
are not on the same plane as the surface being extended.