Altair HyperXtrude 2024.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperXtrude is a suite of finite element solvers for simulating the following manufacturing processes. These solutions have interfaces in Inspire; the HyperXtrude solver is also called the Inspire Extrude Solver.
  • Binder Jet Sintering
  • Metal Extrusion
  • Polymer Extrusion
  • Quenching
  • Calibration
  • Metal Rolling
  • Friction Stir Welding
  • Resin Transfer Molding

Binder Jet Sintering

Resolved Issues

Failure of models with live setters
The “INTERNAL ERROR PH404SINTERCONT” is due to an internal error in node renumbering and arises when a model has more than one component. This issue is resolved now. (SLVHXT-749)

Metal Extrusion


Improvement in H3D Writer for bearing optimization
In previous versions, results for bearing optimization were written up to the maximum number of iterations regardless of whether convergence was achieved earlier. In the upcoming version, results will only be written for optimization iterations until convergence. This enhancement reduces the size of the H3D file and improves the ease of post-processing. (SLVHXT-758)

Resolved Issues

Improved accuracy in gap thickness calculation via DCT algorithm
Gap thickness in the bearing region is computed using the accurate Delaunay Constrained Triangulation (DCT) algorithm. However, this algorithm occasionally failed for certain geometries, requiring the fallback to a less accurate alternative. This issue is resolved and the DCT algorithm now successfully handles the previously failing geometries. (SLVHXT-502)
Inaccurate temperature computation during dead cycle time
The contact boundary condition has been improved to specify when the interface is with the billet (IsBilletContact=1). This is important during the dead cycle time which is the interval between the end of one and the start of the next extrusion cycle. With this specification, the heat transfer between the solid and fluid is handled accordingly during the dead cycle. (SLVHXT-761)
Transient HXOS does not support elasto-plastic tool deformation
There was an error in copying the temperature load file to the OptiStruct run folder during the transient run. This issue has now been resolved. (SLVHXT-757)



Validation of air fan quenching
Air fan quenching results were validated using proprietary customer data. (SLVHXT-662)