Block Format Keyword Describes beam elements. Two properties (/PROP/TYPE3 (BEAM) and /PROP/TYPE18 (INT_BEAM)) are available for beam elements. The properties describing a beam element are all defined in a local beam coordinate system.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
beam_ID node_ID1 node_ID2 node_ID3


Field Contents SI Units Example
part_ID Part identifier of the block.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

beam_ID Element identifier.


node_ID1 Node identifier 1.


node_ID2 Node identifier 2.


node_ID3 (Optional) Node identifier 3.



  1. The identifier (ID) must be unique in each element family, but it is advised for each element type to have a unique element identifier in the global model.
  2. More than one beam block may be used to define a part.
  3. Any number of beams may be defined in one block.
  4. Local coordinate system of beam:

    node_ID1 and node_ID2 define local X-axis.

    node_ID1, node_ID2 and node_ID3 define local XY plane at time t =0.

    The third node is only used to define initial local frame position.

    Z axis is orthogonal to the XY plane.
    Figure 1.


    If node_ID3 is not defined or equal to node_ID1 or node_ID2, the local XY plane is defined using the global Y axis or the global Z axis in cases where node_ID1 and node_ID2 are along global Y axis.