Block Format Keyword Describes the time history for beams.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
var_ID1 var_ID2 var_ID3 var_ID4 var_ID5 var_ID6 var_ID7 var_ID8 var_ID9 var_ID10
elem_ID elem_name


Field Contents SI Unit Example
thgroup_ID TH group identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

thgroup_name TH group name

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

var_ID1, ...n Variables saved for TH (see table below)

(Character, maximum 8 characters)

elem_ID Element identifier


elem_name Name of the element to appear in the time history

(Integer, maximum 80 characters)

TH Output Keyword & Variables

Keyword Object Saved Variables
BEAM Beams OFF, F1, F2, F3, M1, M2, M3, IE

SX, SXY, SZX, SX_i, SXY_i, SZX_i (with i from 1 to 81)

EPSP, EPSP_i (with i from 1 to 81), EPSD

Table of Available Variables - Part 2

Keyword Variable Group Saved TH Variables
BEAM DEF OFF, F1, F2, F3, M1, M2, M3, IE

Output for Available Material Law

Output Material Law
EPSD: strain rate 2, 36, 44
EPSP: plastic strain PLAS_PREDEF, 2, 36 and 44
EPSP_i: plastic strain for the integration point i (from 1 to 81) PLAS_PREDEF, 2, 36 and 44
F1: normal force in direction 1 All material compatible with beam element
F2: shear force in direction 2 All material compatible with beam element
F3: shear force in direction 3 All material compatible with beam element
IE: internal energy All material compatible with beam element
M1: torsional moment All material compatible with beam element
M2: bending moment in direction 2 All material compatible with beam element
M3: bending moment in direction 3 All material compatible with beam element
OFF: element flag for deactivation 2 All material compatible with beam element
SX: tensile stress direction 1 All material compatible with beam element
SX_i: tensile stress direction for the integration point i (from 1 to 81) All material compatible with integrated beam
SXY: tensile stress direction 2 All material compatible with beam element
SXY_i: shear stress direction 2 for the integration point i (from 1 to 81) All material compatible with integrated beam
SZX: tensile stress direction 3 All material compatible with beam element
SZX_i: shear stress direction 3 for the integration point i (from 1 to 81) All material compatible with integrated beam


  1. Available names are listed in the two tables above.

    In the first table, TH-variables are listed. If a TH-variable is requested, this variable is written.

    In the second table, other variable groups are listed. If a variable group is requested, all the associated TH-variables are written at once.

  2. OFF:
    • 0.0 deleted element
    • 1.0 active element
    • 2.0 (shells / solids): active element using small strain
    • Negative value -1/-2 when the element is on stand-by due to rigid body
  3. Some intermediate values can be found during few cycles before element deletion (progressive reduction of off during a few cycles applies as a multiplicative factor to the stress, so that the stress is progressively vanished, and element is deleted after ~ 10 cycles). This process applies to some element types, not all.