Tip: You can rename a created event by double-clicking on its names in the
bottom half of the Load Map dialog.
Create Time Series Events
Static subcases are
supported for all fatigue calculations with a Time Series loading type.
Click the Load Map tool.
Figure 1.
The Load Map dialog opens.
Using the bottom half of the dialog, specify how to create events then click
The fatigue subcases that are read from the result file can be paired with
load histories either manually or automatically.
All pairs will be
Note: The number of time points should be the same if the
pairs under the same event are superimposed.
Manual Event Creation
Figure 2.
When Manual is selected and you click ,
an event is created without any load history and subcase pair
assigned. You can drag and drop an equal number of load histories
and subcases under an event.
Note: The subcases should be dropped
under an event first and then the load history
Auto Event Creation
Figure 3.
When Auto and Single
Event are selected, before you click ,
Select a subcase and a load history channel, or
Select multiple load histories and subcase pairs that have
an equal number of time points.
Only one event is created when you click .
Figure 4.
When Auto and Multiple
Events are selected, before you click ,
Select multiple load histories and subcase pairs.
The load
histories must have an equal number of time
Total number of events created = Number of channels selected
/ Number of subcases selected.
Optional: Import an Event Mapper .csv.
Verify the Analysis type is set to Time
In the Event definition area, click
and select the event definition .csv file.
Both FE Subcases and load history files should be present in the loadmap. On
import of the Event Mapper .csv, FE subcases are
automatically paired with load history channels present in the Loadmap. The
CSV is organized by defining single or multiple Events
based on the IDs of FE loadcases and load history channels. Load histories of
the RPC/RSP format and multi-channel CSV are
Restriction: The load history files must be available
in the LoadMap context before importing an Event Mapper file.
Adjust the load magnitude, scale, offset, repeats, max gate range, and
configuration of the events/subcases.
Apply the value of a parameter to all the events/subcases by
right-clicking on a value and selecting Apply value to
all events.
From the Subcase window, select any subcase increment.
Activate the checkboxes of the events to be considered in the evaluation.
Figure 5.
The following equation depicts how LDM, Scale, and Offset values work together to
scale the FEA stress tensor at time t.Figure 6.
Results stress tensor at time t
Stress tensor from static analysis
The y point value of load-time history at time t
Event Configuration: Superposition
The following equation depicts how LDM, Scale, and Offset values work together to
scale the FEA stress tensor at time t, for the entire fatigue event:Figure 7.
Superposed stress tensor for the entire fatigue event, as a function of
time t.
The subcase and load history pair defined in the event, the number of
pairs in an event varies from one to n.
Stress tensor from static analysis
Magnitude used to scale the finite element stresses
Point in load history at time t
Scale factor applied to the load or time history. It is ignored in
fatigue analysis based on a transient analysis subcase.
Offset applied to the load or time history. It is ignored in fatigue
analyses based on a transient analysis subcase or if the event
configuration is sequential.
Event Configuration: Sequential
If Sequential flag is selected in an event, all subcases referenced in that event are
applied sequentially, instead of simultaneously. The resulting stress history is
generated by the subcases present in the event, each subcase is considered
sequential at different time points. Therefore, subcase1 at
t1, subcase2 at t2, and so on.
The stress tensors at each time t from each subcase is calculated as:Figure 8.
Stress tensor for the fatigue load, as a function of time t
Stress tensor from static analysis
Magnitude used to scale the finite element stresses
Figure 9. Fatigue Event with Sequential Configuration
Event Configuration: Range Envelope
With Range envelope selection for an event, the worst subcase pair will be selected
to create the stress range for fatigue evaluation.
From the subcases assigned to the event, all possible subcase pairs will be
Absolute principal stress calculated from the derived tensor from all
subcase pairs. I.e., |sub1 – sub2|, |sub2- sub3|, etc. is compared to
calculate the extreme.
Subcase pair resulting in the extreme is chosen to create the stress range.
The stress range is defined by the selected stress combination for fatigue
Absolute principal stress is used as the metric in finding the worst subcase
pair for all stress combinations except Critical plane.
If Critical plane is applied as the stress combination, the normal stress in
each angle will be compared to obtain the extreme. Critical plane is valid
for 2D stress only.
Range envelope configuration is supported for Stress Life evaluation
If there are more than one range envelope events created, all these events
should be of the same configuration.
Figure 10.
Create Duty Cycle Events
HyperLife facilitates in importing Duty Cycle files
(*.dcy) which have complex duty cycle information for
multiple durability events. HyperLife provides the
following options in automatically creating the necessary events.
Duty Cycle file (*.dcy)
HyperLife LoadMap file (*.xml)
DCY File
Duty Cycle is supported for all fatigue calculations with a Time Series loading
Click the Load Map tool.
Figure 11.
The Load Map dialog opens.
Select Duty Cycle from the Channel Type drop-down menu
in the top-left of the dialog.
In the Choose file field, click and browse for a
*.dcy file.
Click .
On importing the file:
The load history files are imported into the channel window.
Subcase and channel pairs are created in the event window.
Event information specific to repeats, scale, LDM, and offset is
Note: The load history files need to be present in the
same directory as the *.dcy file.
The files
formats supported for load history within the
*.dcy file are: *.csv,
*.rpc, *.rsp, and
Figure 12. Duty Cycle File Example
The key words from the *.dcy file define the
required duty cycle information, such as:
Channel number (Chan)
Load history file name with extension
FE subcase ID in HyperLife
Optional: Update any parameters as needed or disable an event to exclude it from the
Figure 13.
Simulation list/increments within a FE subcase can be included in *.dcy event
pairing as SubcaseID.Simulation.ID as shown in the example below.
Figure 14.
Figure 15.
XML File
LoadMap file (*.xml) is supported
for the following loading types: Time Series, Transient Response, Modal Superposition,
Random (PSD Stresses), Random (Input PSD with FRF), and Sine Sweep.
Click the Load Map tool.
Figure 16.
The Load Map dialog opens.
In the Load Map dialog, click in the
From the file dialog, browse for an *.xml file and click Open.
On importing the file:
The load history files are imported into the channel window.
Subcase and channel pairs are created in the event window.
Event information specific to repeats, scale, LDM, and offset are
Figure 17. Duty Cycle File Example The key words from the *.xml files define the required duty cycle information, such
Optional: Update any parameters as needed or disable an event to exclude it from the
Figure 18.
Simulation list/increments within a FE subcase can be included in *.xml event
pairing sim = Simulation.ID as shown in the example below.
Figure 19.
Event Mapper CSV
Event Mapper file is an alternative to Duty Cycle file for when the Channel mapping
doesn’t specifically follow a uniform order for each of the FE loadcases.
The Channel IDs (Time series data) and FE loadcase IDs are pre-sorted to form Events
in a *.csv format, which is imported on Load Map utility.Figure 20.
Channel Mapping: Concatenating Load history data together with corresponding
FE loadcase to form a Durability Event.
Durability Event creation is critical step and intense when large load
history is considered.
Need arises to consider fewer channels from a Load history file (for
example, RSP) which is not in sequence.
FE loadcase and Channel data don’t follow an order for the tool to do Auto
Note: Load history files should already be imported to the session prior to Event
Mapper CSV.
Create Transient Response Events
Transient subcases are supported
for SN (uniaxial, multiaxial), EN (uniaxial, multiaxial), and FOS fatigue calculations
with a Transient Response loading type.
Click the Load Map tool.
Figure 21.
The Load Map dialog opens.
By default, Transient
Response is the selected Channel Type and can not be changed.
Note: Plots or
channels are not required.
Select a subcase from the Subcase panel then click on the bottom half of the dialog to create an
Stresses from each time step of the subcase are superimposed and damage
is calculated on the superimposed stress.
Note: You can only select one transient
subcase per event.
Optional: Edit the number of repeats.
Tip: Apply a Repeats value to all the events by right-clicking on a
value and selecting Apply value to all events.
Apply Max Gate Range ( (0.0 ≤ Real < 1.0), to apply gate on the Stress
Enable the checkboxes of the events to be considered in the evaluation.
Figure 22.
Create Modal Superposition Events
Modal subcases are supported for SN (uniaxial, multiaxial) and EN (uniaxial,
multiaxial) fatigue calculations with a Modal Superposition loading type.
Click the Load Map tool.
Figure 23.
The Load Map dialog opens.
Select the required modes from mrf/pch and the FE subcase.
On the bottom half of the dialog, select Auto and click
A modal event is created.
Optional: Edit the number of repeats.
Tip: Apply a Repeats value to all the events by right-clicking on a
value and selecting Apply value to all events.
Apply Max Gate Range (0.0 ≤ Real < 1.0), to apply gate on the Stress
Activate the checkboxes of the events to be considered in the evaluation.
Figure 24.
Stress history from modal participation factors and modal stresses is calculated
as:Figure 25.
Stress history for the given time interval of an element
Participation factor per mode at time t (via
mrf/pch file)
Modal stress of an element per mode (via an h3d or
op2 file)
Note:op2 files
are only supported for mrf channels.
h3d is supported for both
mrf and
Create Random (PSD Stresses) Events
Random Response subcases are supported for SN (uniaxial) and EN (uniaxial) fatigue
calculations with a Random (PSD Stresses) loading type.
Click the Load Map tool.
Figure 26.
The Load Map dialog opens.
By default, PSD
Stresses is the selected Channel Type and can not be changed.
Note: Plots or
channels are not required.
Select a subcase from the Subcase panel then click on the bottom half of the dialog to create an
The Subcase panel lists random response FE subcases. FE static subcases are
listed if mean stress correction is required.
Note: You can only select one random subcase per event.
Optional: Drag-and-drop one static subcase onto an event if mean stress correction is to
be introduced.
Optional: Edit the Exposure Time value.
Tip: Apply an Exposure Time value to all the events by
right-clicking on a value and selecting Apply value to all
Enable the checkboxes of the events to be considered in the evaluation.
Figure 27.
Create Random (Input PSD with FRF) Events
Frequency Response Analysis subcases are supported for SN (uniaxial) and EN
(uniaxial) fatigue calculations with a Random (Input PSD with FRF) loading
Note: Default format on import of Input PSD is LINEAR - LINEAR (that is,
linear interpolation for the x-axis and linear interpolation for the y-axis). X
Scale and Y Scale is to be changed to the required format. For example:
Click the Load Map tool.
Figure 28.
The Load Map dialog opens.
Select subcases.
On the bottom half of the dialog, click to create an event.
The possible correlations (Excitation1 and Excitation2) of the selected
FRF subcases are listed under the event.
Drag-and-drop the imported channels onto the Input PSD field of each
The Input PSDs are used to scale the complex stresses. Input PSD of frequency
vs scale in CSV format are supported.
Scale the complex stresses using the Input PSD and the Real and Imaginary
coefficients from each event.
Optional: Edit the Exposure Time value.
Tip: Apply an Exposure Time value to all the events by
right-clicking on a value and selecting Apply value to all
Enable the checkboxes of the events to be considered in the evaluation.
Figure 29.
If Mean Stress correction is to be applied, a static subcase, if present in
the result file, will be listed in the Subcase window and can be drag and
dropped onto the event (no channel is required to be paired).
Any events that you create are specific to the channel type. If you switch
the channel type, the events window is cleared/updated.
Create Sine Sweep Events
Frequency Response Function subcases are supported for SN (uniaxial) and EN
(uniaxial) fatigue calculations with a Sine Sweep loading type.
Click the Load Map tool.
Figure 30.
The Load Map dialog opens.
Select both an FRF subcase and an imported channel.
On the bottom half of the dialog, click to create an event.
Edit the number of sweeps, the number of frequencies (NFREQ), the sweep rate,
and the sweep rate unit.
Tip: Apply the value of a parameter to all the events/subcases by
right-clicking on a value and selecting Apply value to all
Enable the checkboxes of the events to be considered in the evaluation.
Figure 31.
Note: If Mean Stress correction is to be applied, a static subcase, if present in the
result file, will be listed in the Subcase window and can be drag and dropped onto
the event (no channel is required to be paired).