Engine Keyword This describes the Streamline Upwind Petrov
Galerkin formulation.
SI Unit Example
Scale factor applied on
Petrov Galerkine weighting function.
Default = 1.00 (recommended
The streamline upwind
Petrov-Galerkine (SUPG) is an optimal upwinding technique which acts only in the
flow direction.
If this keyword is used, the
usual upwind method for momentum advection is no longer used. As a consequence,
the coefficient from /UPWIND (Obsolete) Starter is also not
The Galerkin (shape function φ)
are modified to integrate the momentum convection term [(u -
w). ∇]u, which leads to a Petrov Galerkin method using
weight function W* such as:
Where, k' is a function
of the Reynolds number, material velocity and element length, and
fac is a scale factor.
fac = 1.00 is the standard value for
SUPG formulation (recommended).
activated by default in 2D and 3D analysis, as it returns the most accurate
It is available for
multi-material LAW51.
The upwinding technique is
introduced to add numerical diffusion to the scheme which, otherwise is
generally under-diffusive and thus unstable. The usual method is first: order
accurate and strongly depends on the mesh aspect. In some cases (see examples
below) the classical method might lead to locally erratic velocities with
unsuitable meshes. SUPG method provides more accurate results, if the phenomenon
is sensitive to mesh aspect. It is recommended to systematically activate
Modeling situation:Figure 1. Blast Wave Modeling A regular mesh is used although this phenomenon has spherical
evolution. Result are obtained with multi-material LAW51.
Result - Classical UPWIND:Figure 2. Blast Wave Evolution with Usual Method Classical UPWIND method for momentum transportation is not suitable
with spherical evolution and regular mesh.
Velocity Result - SUPG:Figure 3. Blast Wave Evolution with SUPG Method SUPG method for momentum advection removes mesh sensitivity. It is no
longer required to have a spherical mesh to model spherical