- Usage
- vtk_job_control taskerId action jobId opt1 opt2 opt3 -why TEXT_REASON taskerId STOP jobId [Options] -why TEXT_REASON taskerId SUSPEND jobId [Options] -why TEXT_REASON
- Description
- This is the main procedure to send controlling signals and modifications to jobs running on remote taskers. The argument taskerId can either be a legal VovId, "ALL", or the number 0 which is equivalent to "ALL".
- Examples
# Stop job 23344: vtk_job_control 0 STOP 23344 -why "Custom script stopped job" # Stop all jobs on taskers 21221: vtk_job_control 21221 STOP 0 # Modify autokill on running job 24455 to 120s: vtk_job_control 0 MODIFY 24455 autokill 120 -why "Autokill job from job control" # Suspend all sleep jobs using SIGINT followed by SIGHUP on tasker 12345: vtk_job_control 12345 SUSPEND -signals INT,HUP -include sleep # Kill all jobs except sleep jobs using the default signal cascade with 2 seconds between signals on tasker 23456: vtk_job_control 23456 STOP -exclude sleep -delay 2