vtk_multiqueue_set microcode
Use microcode to set lots of resource maps in a single message. Used mostly by vovmultiqueued.
The caller must have ADMIN privileges. The microcode is sent to the remote vovserver in
compressed form.
This procedure is efficient but deliberately hard to use. To set a single
resource map, use vtk_resourcemap_set instead.
Simple description of the microcode understood by this procedure.
v1 BOOL -- Set verbosity. The verbosity appears in the
log of the remote vovserver.
s1 RANK OWNER EXPIRE -- Set Rank Owner and Expiration date.
r1 TYPE NAME MAP MAX LMFEATURE -- Set resource map parameters.
p1 TYPE NAME PREEMPT_METHOD -- Set preemption method for resource map.
H1 start TYPE NAME -- Begin a section of handles for a resource map.
h1 USER HOST LICHOST LICPORT CHECKOUT HANDLE TOKENS QUEUEFLAG -- Describe a handle for the resource map.
H1 done
J1 start TYPE NAME -- Begin a section of jobs using a resource map.
j1 PROJECT HOST USER JOBID STATUS GRABBED REVOKED STARTTS -- Describe a job that uses the resource map.
J1 done
All other lines are silently ignored.