vtk_taskerset_get [OPTIONS] [array]
-hwreq HW_REQUEST -- Show only taskers that satisfy the given HW request.
-rule SELRULE -- Show only taskers that match the given selection rule.
With no parameters, this procedure returns the list of all tasker ids.
With one parameter, such parameter represents the name of an associative array and
the procedure fills the array with information about all the taskers.
04544112 04544113 04544115 04544116 04544118 04544120 04544121
vtk_taskerset_get taskerInfo
04544112 04544113 04544115 04544116 04544118 04544120 04544121
parray taskerInfo
taskerInfo(04544112,capacity) = 1
taskerInfo(04544112,cpus) = 1
taskerInfo(04544112,curload) = 0.33
taskerInfo(04544112,effload) = 0.33
taskerInfo(04544112,host) = mars
taskerInfo(04544112,lastupdate) = 1159547044
taskerInfo(04544112,maxload) = 1.50
taskerInfo(04544112,message) =
taskerInfo(04544112,name) = mars
taskerInfo(04544112,numjobs) = 0
taskerInfo(04544112,power) = 31080
taskerInfo(04544112,resources) = mars RAM/128 sun5 sun4u unix
taskerInfo(04544112,taskertype) = normal
taskerInfo(04544112,status) = READY
taskerInfo(04544112,suspended) = 0
taskerInfo(04544112,timeleft) = Unlim.