Older Integration with LSF Emulation

Sentaurus WorkBench works well with the LSF emulation layer of Altair Accelerator. Our strategy is to invoke swb with $VOVDIR/scripts/lsfemulation in the path and to make SWB believe that it is using LSF.

Configuring SWB

To configure SWB to use LSF, consult the Sentaurus Workbench User Guide. Here is a highlight of what you should do.

First you have to change the file gqueues.dat, which is typically located in $STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/lib/glib or $STROOT/tcad/$STRELEASE/lib/glib. You need to add a line like the following:
# Fragment of file gqueues.dat
queue lsf:nc_swb "bsub"

In this example, we assume that we tell SWB to use an LSF queue called "nc_swb". You can of course change the name of the queue as long as you define the appropriate jobclass in Altair Accelerator (see below).

As explained in the user guide, you can also set tool specific resource requirements. The resources have to be specified as LSF resources and then are automatically mapped into Altair Accelerator resources during submission with the bsub emulator.
# THESE VARIABLE ARE SET IN THE Sentaurus Tool Database.
set WB_tool(sprocess,LSF,resource) {rusage[sprocess_all=1:sprocess3d_all=1]} 
set WB_tool(sprocess,LSF,resource) {rusage[sprocess_all=1||SK_sprocess_all=1]} 
set WB_tool(sdevice,LSF,resource)  {mem>5000 rusage[sdevice_all=1]}
The resource strings specified in the example above, are mapped respectively to the following Altair Accelerator resource strings:
"License:sprocess_all License:sprocess3d_all"
"License:sprocess_all OR License:SK_sprocess_all"
"RAM/5000 License:sdevice_all"

If you have properly connected Accelerator and Monitor, and if Monitor is monitoring the Synopsys licenses, then the resources like License:sprocess_all are already known to Accelerator. If not, please see the Altair Accelerator documentation.

Configuring an Environment for SWB

It is convenient to have a VOV Named Environment to run SWB. As a starting point for such environment, look at the examples in $VOVDIR/etc/environments/SWB.*.

File: SWB.start.tcl:
# Enter the environment for Synopsys TCAD Sentaurus Workbench

set vendorBase /tools/synopsys;		# CHANGE THIS.
set version    2008.09;			# CHANGE THIS.

set appBase    $vendorBase/swb
set licBase    $vendorBase/license

# Optional argument is a different version.
if { [llength $argv] > 0 } {
    set version [shift]

if {! [file isdirectory $appBase/$version] } {
    VovUserError "SWB version not found: '$version'"

set versionBase $appBase/$version

# Add license binaries
switch -- $env(VOVARCH) {
  sun5 - sun7 {
    set arch sparcOS5
  linux22 - linux - linux64 {
    set arch linux
  default {
    VovWarning "No binary mapping for FT arch -- $env(VOVARCH)"

if { [info exists arch] } {
    vovenv PATH : PREPEND $licBase/$arch/bin

setenv STROOT $versionBase
vovenv PATH : PREPEND $versionBase/bin
  • You need to copy the SWB.* files from $VOVDIR/etc/environments to $VOVDIR/local/environments
  • You need to customize the environments to fit your installation

The all important environment variable STDB, which points to the top of your SWB work area, has to be set on a case-by-case basis before starting SWB.

Configuring a queue in Altair Accelerator

In Altair Accelerator, the concept that corresponds to an "LSF queue" is the "jobclass". Following the example above, where the LSF queue is called "nc_swb", you need to create a jobclass with the same name, defined by the file vnc.swd/jobclass/nc_swb.tcl. An example is available in $VOVDIR/etc/jobclass/nc_swb.tcl.

File: nc_swb.tcl

### A jobclass for the jobs generated by SWB=Sentaurus WorkBench
############################## PROCEDURES

proc NC_SWB_extractLogFile {} {
    global saveBsubArgv;	# Which exists if the jobs is called with bsub -q nc_swb
    set logFile     ""

    if { [info exists saveBsubArgv] } {
	set fullCommand $saveBsubArgv
	while { $fullCommand != {} } {
	    set a [shift fullCommand]
	    switch -- $a {
		"-o" {
		    set logFile [shift fullCommand];
		default {}
    } else {
	global argv
	global VOV_JOB_DESC

	if { [info exists VOV_JOB_DESC(logfile)] } {
	    set logFile  $VOV_JOB_DESC(logfile)
	set scanArgs $argv 
	while { $scanArgs != {} } {
	    set a  [shift scanArgs]
	    switch -- $a {
		"-l" { 
		    set logFile [shift scanArgs]

    return $logFile

############################## MAIN CODE
set classDescription "Sentaurus WorkBench Jobs"

# Use the snapshot for now, but we recommend to use
# a composite named environment.

# Guess the license resources based on the name of the log file.
set presumedLogFile [NC_SWB_extractLogFile]

### puts "XXXX '$presumedLogFile'"

switch -glob -- $presumedLogFile {
    "*_des.job" { set VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "License:sdevice_all"    }
    "*_dvs.job" { set VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "License:sde_all"        }
    "*_fps.job" { set VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "License:SK_sprocess2d_all" }
    "*_ins.job" { set VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "License:Inspect_all"    }
    "*_moc.job" { set VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "License:sdevice-montecarlo_all" }
    "*_msh.job" { set VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "License:Mesh2D_all"     }
    "*_pof.job" { set VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "License:Noffset-2D_all" }
    "*_tec.job" { set VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "License:Tecplot_all"    }
    default     { set VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "License:sde_all"        }

append  VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) " Limit:swb"         ;# Limit for the whole job class.
append  VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) " Limit:swb_@USER@"  ;# Limit for the user in this job class.

##append  VOV_JOB_DESC(resources) "  x86_64 RAM/200";   ## Other hardware requirements.
#parray VOV_JOB_DESC

proc initJobClass {} {
    vtk_resourcemap_set       Limit:swb        100
    vtk_resourcemap_set_limit Limit:swb_@USER@  50

Customizing Altair Accelerator GUI

By default, the log file of the SWB jobs has a .job suffix. It is convenient to add a tab to the NC GUI to view those log files. To do that, you have to edit the file vnc.swd/gui.tcl and add a new statement calling ::VovGUI::addOutputTab as shown in the following example:
# Fragment of vnc.swd/gui.tcl 
::VovGUI::addOutputTab "vnc_log" {/vnc_logs/[0-9]+/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$}  "+"
::VovGUI::addOutputTab "swb_job" {\.job$}  "+"; ### ADD THIS LINE
This will add the right-most tab called "O:swb_job" to the "Node Viewer" window as shown in this picture.

Figure 1.

Running SWB

Before running SWB, make sure you have entered the correct environment. Example:
% setenv STDB `pwd`
% swb &


For advanced debugging, use
% cat glog.txt